Achieving Various Milestones in the Field of Geophysics, Leonardo Junior Reveals Tips for Success at SEG Your Signal 2.0

Oleh Anggun Nindita

Editor Anggun Nindita

Leonardo as a speaker at SEG Your Signal 2.0, Sunday (10/3/2024). (Doc. SEG ITB SC)

BANDUNG, — The Society of Exploration Geophysicists of ITB Student Chapter (SEG ITB) held the SEG Your Signal 2.0 event via Zoom platform on Sunday (10/3/2024). The aim of this event was to provide tips and strategies for success in geophysics competitions.

One of the highlights of this agenda was Leonardo Junior Johan Solihin, an ITB Geophysical Engineering student. He is known for his achievements in various geophysical competitions and served as a speaker at the event.

The SEG Your Signal 2.0 event discussed the theme "How to Become a Winner in Competitions," providing participants with insights and strategies to excel in geophysics competitions. This agenda was delivered interestingly through interactive discussions and presentations.

Leonardo himself has been active in the geophysics community, being recognized for his achievements in various competitions. On top of that, he has received various awards in this field.

Leonardo participating in a competition organized by ESTECH 2023 at Universiti Teknologi Petronas, Malaysia. (Doc. Leonardo Junior Johan Solihin)

“Competition is a race between individuals or groups to achieve victory and glory. Participating in competitions is important because it provides experience, training, new skills, financial resources, expands relationships, also increases self-confidence and success," he said.

"Apart from that, competition encourages optimal growth and development in attaining achievements," he continued.

Leonardo and his colleagues while participating in the Student Competition held by the 2022 HAGI Annual Scientific Week in Malang. (Doc. Leonardo Junior Johan Solihin)

On this occasion, Leonardo introduced important concepts while also providing case examples to help participants understand the paper & competition theme. Then, he provided valuable feedback to participants, encouraging them to think critically and creatively.

This event not only highlights technical skills but also the importance of communication and networking skills. Competitions are not only about technical skills but also about how we interact with others and build strong networks.

Participants were also invited to consider the impact of winning in the competition, as well as how this can affect their career and personal development in the future.

Leonardo also gave a message to the participants not to hesitate to try starting the competition. "Just start first, do not be afraid of failure. From there you will gain extraordinary experience and knowledge," he said.

He also reminded the audience that fear of competing is normal, but what more important is having the courage to try. By taking the first step, we can build self-confidence and move towards the success we dream of.

Reporter: Rayhan Adri Fulvian (Geophysics Engineering, 2021)
Translator: Hanifa Juliana  (Urban and Regional Planning, 2020)
Editor: Kezia Hosana

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