G83 STEAM: Generate Excellent Teachers through Science Workshop

Oleh Fatimah Larassati

Editor Fatimah Larassati

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id - In an effort to improve the quality of education, Yayasan Ganesha Delapan Tiga (G83) which was founded by alumni of ITB 1983 held a workshop for junior high school teachers on Saturday (14/05/16) at the East Campus Center (CC) ITB. The workshop entitled "Water and Us" was one of a series of educational empowerment activities with the goal to advance the teachers' competence in mastering STEAM (Science,Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics). Inviting two keynote speakers who were well known as experts in the field of science and pedagogy, the workshop aimed to generate excellent teachers that are able to teach innovatively.

The theme of the workshop was water, in which the junior high school teachers as the participants were provided with training in the form of small science-themed projects which could also be done by junior high school students. Starting at 07.30 AM, the workshop was divided into two sessions. The first session entitled "Building Positive Perspective and Behavior towards Water" was conducted by Weilin Han, M.Sc., known as a professional in the field of teacher training. The next session was conducted by Prof. Lim Tit Meng, the Chief Executive of the Singapore Science Centre, presenting "Water, Viewed from Different Perspectives". The materials were presented in the form of mini project tutorials under the theme of water using basic sciences for junior high school students. This event, which has been held three times since 2014, was participated by 74 junior high school teachers from all over Indonesia and also some of ITB lecturers.

Premana W. Premadi, Ph.D., an ITB 1983 alumnus and a lecturer of ITB Astronomy, sparked the idea of ​​STEAM G83 events with the aim to give more vivid teaching materials towards students. Through learning activities in the form mini projects done by direct application of theoretical knowledge, students will not only be happier in following learning activities, but will also become more critical and innovative. The theme of water was considered essential to be brought into the classroom, given that water's presence is vital but not many people are aware of the limited supply of water on earth. Premana, familiarly called as Nana, found that educating students was very important, especially those in junior high school as these students would one day become the backbone of this nation. Therefore, it is important for young generation to raise their awareness towards basic things that benefit their lives, one of which is water. With the introduction of learning methods through science-themed mini projects, students and teachers are expected to grow together by channeling the same motivation, passion, and appreciation.

ITB Journalist Apprentice 2016

Okta Indah Sulistyorini (Geophysical Engineering 2014)

Translated by

ITB Journalist Apprentice

Owen Nixon Jimawan (Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology 2015)

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