ITB Held Discussion on Philosophy in Architecture

Oleh Adi Permana

Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, – Lecturer and researcher from History, Theory, and Criticism in Architecture (STKA) Research Group of School of Architecture, Planning, and Policy Development of Institut Teknologi Bandung (SAPPK-ITB) held an open discussion about philosophy in architecture.

The discussion was a place for academicians of ITB to be familiar with studies in theory and criticism in architecture in “Diskusi Terbuka STKAday2” at Seminar Room of Labtek IX-A Sugijanto Soegijoko, ITB. The discussion was held on 8th September 2018 and is the continuation of “Diseminasi Hasil Program Penelitian, Pengabdian Masyarakat dan Inovasi (P3MI) STKAday1” on 6th April 2018.

On STKAday1, eight lecturers under STKA Research Group presented their best works that have been published in research and community service in the last two years. After seeing the enthusiasm for STKAday1, STKA held another discussion with wider scope in order to be the meeting place for interested parties in the field of STKA.

The discussion, attended by participants of various study programs in ITB as well as various universities, aims to foster architects’ awareness and concern toward philosophy. “All this time our education is too rigid. This discussion is expected to widen our knowledge so that students can develop their interest,” said Prof. Ir. Iwan Sudrajat M.SA., PhD., the head of STKA Research Group.

STKA invited four speakers that delivered the ideas from four philosophers that intersect with contemporary architectural issues and utopia/dystopia of future architecture. They are Martin Katoppo who delivered about ideas of Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzche, Achmad Deni Tardiyana who delivered the ideas of Deleuze & Guattari, Widya Suryadini who delivered the ideas of Luce Irigaray, and Iwan Sudradjat who delivered the ideas of Michel Foucault.

The discussion was hosted by two moderators, Indah Widiastuti and Mahatmanto and two discussants Bambang Sugiharto and Yuswadi Saliya. The discussion gave awareness, that architectural work is not merely about calculation, but should also involve knowledge and feelings.

One of the speakers who is also once the best alumnus of undergraduate and master programs in Architecture of Christian University of Indonesia (UKI), Dr. Martin L. Katoppo S.T., M.T., introduced the ideas of Nietzche who was disappointed by the buildings in that era that lost the “spirit”. He thinks that an architect should be able to present a work that show pride and beauty, a work that give comfort to people living there.

“Because architecture is not about the physical, but the activity. Hence, architecture is not about building space, or not even about building one’s experiencing space, but about building one’s feelings when experiencing space,” said Martin, who is also the initiator of ‘Design as Generator’ community.

Martin then mentioned that architecture is actually the science of managing developed environment that should be liberating and empowering. Presenting an architectural work means presenting a creative space that can trigger personal imagination, can produce shared knowledge, and can encourage innovation for social change.

Reporter: Indah Dwi Rachmawati

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