Galelobot 2008 : Line Follower Robot Competition

Oleh kristiono

Editor kristiono

BANDUNG, - On Saturday (26/4) Engineering Physics Student Body (HMFT) and Engineering Physics Study Program was held annual competition titled Ganesha Line Follower Robot (Galelobot) 2008. “This year, Galelobot competition participant are come from around the country, last year it was only participant from Java” head of committee Aga Dian Baskara said. Total 144 participants with their various kind of line follower robot appeared during the competition. Each must follow black line on the tract specially design by committee. After passing tough round, two UGM team member Robot P-Cool and Robot Melu Garis were succeed awarded first and second. The third was grabbed by Gunadarma team named Robot Rapid. Best Design category was also for UGM team Robot Melu Garis OG and Robot Mazoem. Galelobot was consists of robotic technology development seminar, Friday (25/4); Robot exhibition and line follower competition, Saturday (26/4).

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