GEMPAR 2013 Talkshow : Solve Bandung Transportation Problem
By Nida Nurul Huda
Editor Nida Nurul Huda

With the theme of Green Transportation, GEMPAR 2013Talkshow presents some related sources familiar with transportation. Sources include, Prof. Ir. Ofyar Z. Tamrin, M.Sc., Ph.D. (Transportation Engineering Research Group ITB), Ibn Syabri, B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D. (Scientific Group Infrastructure of the City ITB), Andreas (Community Nebengers), Toto Sugito (Bike2Work Indonesia), and Ridwan Kamil (Bike Bdg).
This talkshow is divided into two sessions, the first session filled by Andreas and Toto Sugito. Nebengers and Bike2Work is a community that does not directly have a stake in the urban transport system, including the city of Bandung. Nebengers is a community that wants to maximize the function of private transport through the 'find and give tebengan', whereas Bike2Work tansportasi focuses on cycling as an alternative vehicle that can be used anytime.
Congestion in major cities in Indonesia is already inevitable. It is estimated the city will be paralyzed bandung total of 20 years. One effective and efficient way to reduce congestion is to use a bike or on foot. Again, poor facilities for cyclists and pedestrians became an obstacle. The lack of bike lanes and routes of existing bad pavement be one trigger of the lack of interest in bicycle and pedestrian users. "Often the route the bike path appropriated by motorists and cyclists yield a result precisely for reasons of safety," said Toto.
At the second session of the talkshow, Ofyar, Ibn Syabri, and Ridwan Kamil describes various issues related to the transportation system Bandung. The increasing volume of vehicles that are not comparable to the capacity of the transportation system helped exacerbate the city of Bandung. Stacking vehicles at weekends from outside Bandung, public transport users shift to private vehicles is a small part of the transport system problems.
There is revamping the whole system, from the line of the government and the public need to be implemented. Management of good public transportation from buses Trans Metro Bandung (TMB) is a new transport project launched by London mayor since 2008 apparently did not go as expected. Lifestyle people prefer to use private vehicles, such as cars and motorcycles also increase the complexity of the transportation problems. "Some people will think better take a private vehicle rather than riding public transportation or bus. Various reasons they express start from a standstill, an uncomfortable place, and the high crime in public transport instead impact on transportation issues," said Ibn Syabri.
Improve TMB bus functions, minimizing inhibiting factor beside the road, revitalize urban transportation systems, limiting the use of motor vehicles, and reconstruct abuse pedestrian paths and bike lanes, as well as lifestyle changes are successful solutions are summarized in this talk show. Talkshow ends with the reading of the petition regarding Bandung transportation issues are addressed in the City of London. "All the city's transportation master plan Bandung from experts is ready. Yet it will not mean anything, if there is no synergy in all aspects. Transform lifestyle, start walking, bicycle use, and switch to public transport," close Ofyar .