Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering Students Named The First and Second Best Presenter at APSAR 2021
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG,—Tania Septi Anggraini and Anggi Oktaviana Irvan won Best 1 and Best 2 Presenters in the "Marathon dan Bunga Rampai Penginderaan Jauh Indonesia" competition, Thursday (17/6/2021). This event was a Pre-Conference of the 2021 Asia-Pacific Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (APSAR) held by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Geosciences and Remote Sensing Society (GRSS).
Tania and Anggi were Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering students at the Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) batch 2017 supervised by Professor Ir. Ketut Wikantika and Dr. eng. Anjar Dimara Sakti.
Tania's paper entitled "Air Quality Modeling with Air-RGB Decomposition Techniques in Indonesia in 2019-2020" was sourced from her undergraduate thesis. The first time she chose this topic was when she did practical research at the Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT) related to air quality. "My internship topic is NO2 gas modeling during the PSBB period in West Java. I aimed to publish it as a national journal paper," said Tania, who recently finished her thesis defense and earned a bachelor's degree in Engineering.
Working on this topic, Tania encountered several challenges. From the beginning of the supervision period, Dr. Anjar prepared his students to participate in conferences and publish international journals. To achieve this goal, looking for updates and using international publications above in 2010 as references were mandatory. "Three people should do this research, but you carried out this alone as an undergraduate student who has not graduated yet," said Tania imitating the expression from the team of the National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN) when she presented her topic to them.
Besides APSAR 2021, Tania recently also published and presented her journal at the International Conference on Applied Science, Technology, and Engineering (ICASTE) 2021. She was waiting for the publication process then. On the campus, she was active by being a Head of the Secretariat Department of the ITB Geodesy Student Association (IMG) 2020/2021 and a teacher for SBMPTN preparation at tutoring institutions.
"People said that, at ITB, we need to pick out only two of the three things: sleeping, organization, or academics. In fact, we can get all three things at once by managing our time well. Do not procrastinate at work," said Tania at the end of the interview with the ITB Public Relations reporter.
Reporter: Amalia Wahyu Utami (TPB, FTI 2020)
Translator: Zahra Annisa Fitri (Urban and Regional Planning, 2019)