Geophysical Engineering Team from ITB Won Many Titles in Geosphere Competition 2017
By Okta Indah Sulistyorini
Editor Okta Indah Sulistyorini
BANDUNG, – Three teams consisting of students of Geophysical Engineering ITB
won titles in Geoscience Atmosphere (Geosphere) managed by HMTG ITS and
SEG Student Chapter ITS which was open for international participants. The
competition was held on Friday to Sunday (06-08/10/17) at Institut Teknologi
Sepuluh November (ITS) Campus, Surabaya. The winners are Andre Bonardo Sipayung
and Andrianus Boas Manogi Sinaga as the 1st winner of paper
competition, Alfian Rahman and Fachri Taufik as the 2nd winner of
paper competition, and Haritsari Dewi and Rurry Elsa as the 1st
winner of survey design.
The topic that brought Andre and Boas to the title is about identification of important aspect in petroleum system, source rock, using seismic data analysis method. Uniquely, that topic is a development of final project presented by Andre on his thesis defense on the last September. The topic was carried out to discover the spread of source rock, and this topic is relatively new in oil and gas exploration in a simple presentation. Research method and flow were learnt from internationally published researches. The main referenced paper is Loseth (2011) that discusses the identification of source rock using seismic data.
survey design competition, this is the first chance for both Haritsari and Elsa
in the competition. The topic they carried out for exploration survey design
during the competition is effective and efficient survey design for geothermal
exploration in Mount Lawu, East Java.
competition was participated by students from various Geophysical background.
National participants competing in the competition came from all over the
country. It also invited well-known professionals as jury. In survey design competition,
judging was done by Priyo Atmojo from Pertamina Geothermal Energy, and in paper
competition, judging was done by David Ontosari from ISPG IAGI, and M. Tofan
from Pertamina Geothermal Energy.