Guest Lectures Series in Commemoration of 70th Years of Chemistry Education

Oleh Owen Nixon Jimawan

Editor Owen Nixon Jimawan

BANDUNG, – Commemorating 70th years of Chemistry education in Indonesia, Chemistry Program of FMIPA ITB held Guest Lecture Series 2017. The event was held on Wednesday (30/08/17) and invited Haris Fasanuyasirul, S.T., On-site Manager, Southeast Asia and Pasific Air Liquide Indonesia. Taking place at Room 2104 Chemistry ITB, the lecture discussed Industrial Gas Process.

The event started at 13.00 with discussion about We Are Here To Share. “This session focus on increasing our knowledge because the detail is the student’s assignment” said Haris when open the public lecture.

The lecture began with explanation about safety moment in hazardous chemical. For industry, safety moment is important and fundamental because without safety there would be no business (No Safety = No Business). This, for example, could happen at blow up occurrence on oil rig that cause massive loss. The next discussion was about the function and usability of air for various market. With Air Liquide technology, components of present air are separated in order to utilize the nature of the component. Air components such as oxygen, nitrogen, argon, and rare gases are utilized in various industries, such as metal industry, chemical petrochemical, coal chemical, electronics, and energy conversion. Beside the explanation about utilization and components of air, Haris also explained the method used in separation. By using two-column tube, air—which usually consists of 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, and 1% argon—is separated using distillation method at 6 bar air pressure. This method based the separation on velocity and volatility. it reveals that oxygen is main component with the biggest mass while nitrogen is main component with the lightest mass.

Beside the main composition, rare gas component such as helium was also discussed. Helium is rare and Indonesia still import helium from Qatar. Therefore, helium got discussed since it is usable for various needs.

Photo: Personal Documentation

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