Guest Professor from Musashino Art University on the Relation between Design and Mathematic

Oleh Fivien Nur Savitri, ST, MT

Editor Fivien Nur Savitri, ST, MT

BANDUNG, – As a part of the 8th Workshop Bambu dan Rotan that was held together by Industrial Design Study Program of ITB and Musashino Art University (MAU), Japan on Monday-Wednesday (06-15/03/17), Prof. Takaaki Bando of Department of Science of Design MAU deliver a public lecture on Monday (13/03/17) entitled “Applying Polyhedral Structures to Designs”. The lecture was delivered at Laboratorium Ergonomi, Center of Art, Design and Language (CADL) Building of ITB and was attended by the students of Industrial Design of ITB and National Institute of Technology (ITENAS). Prof Takaaki Bando also invited the participants to build foldable polyhedral structure.

Referring to the theory and works by Buckmister Fuller, a designer and an architect from USA, Prof. Takaaki Bando explained synergistic theory in which the relationship between organisms and nature are translatable into mathematic language. Whether they are structures of Single-cell organisms or motions of space objects, they should contain mathematic patterns.

To Prof. Takaaki Bando, almost every existing and future manmade design is based on synergistic theory, including traditional handcrafts from Asia and Indonesia. He urged the participants to deepen their study on exact sciences such as math, physics, chemistry, and geography because existing shapes in nature are the basic of designs.

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