Head of Integrasi 2016: Ignite Emphaty Spirit through Integrasi

Oleh Mega Liani Putri

Editor Mega Liani Putri

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id - The moment of initiation to welcome freshmen in ITB through Integrated Initial Regeneration (KAT) always brings a new breakthrough every year. With the new brand and philosophy, KAT this year was named Integrasi 2016 and was run by KM (Students Organization) ITB on Wednesday to Saturday (17-20/08/16). Philosophically, "integrasi" (integration) means incorporation to be one complete unity. So, Integrasi 2016 wanted to be the moment to get all freshmen together involved in students' activities under KM ITB.

New History of Regeneration

KAT had to unite the study orientation (OSKM) and clubs' open house (OHU) events into Integrasi 2016. Miqdam Furqany (Mining Engineering 2013) as the head of the committee explained that the Cabinet of KM ITB wanted to reconstruct the integrated initial regeneration. The "orientation" word was replaced by "initiation" as an embodiment of the earliest moments for all freshmen in ITB campus. The purpose of Integrasi 2016 was to introduce all elements in campus in equal portions so that the freshmen could see all the colors of students' movements in ITB and could be motivated to be a part of it.

Empathy for Nation

By the theme "Empathy for the Nation", Integrasi 2016 set off with the dream to motivate freshmen to be actively involved and beneficial in students' movements. The interaction between humans decreases over time now that technology has taken over. It leads to the argument that students are becoming far from the society. Often, the attempts made by students to help the society are useless because they did not reach the core of the problems. By the introduction of empathy value, there is hope that students will be eager to understand the real problems faced by the people around so they can work together to solve them.

Integrasi 2016 is different with the previous initial regeneration based on the delivery of its materials. Previously, the freshmen were directed to know about themselves first, then they learned about their surroundings. In Integrasi 2016, the flow was reversed. This year, freshmen were firstly introduced to Bandung, and subsequently they were introduced to areas and organizations in smaller scope such as KM ITB and all of the organizations under it. Only after then, they were expected to understand "who they are" after they were already aware of their surroundings.

Empathy value was the core of every event in Integrasi 2016. For example, the introduction of KM ITB was not only about the structure of the organization, but also the actual issues faced by the students so that the freshmen could understand and be inspired to be in the students' movement.

"I hope that the freshmen will be the pioneers of students' movement based on empathy. It is all started by their spirit to join many activities at campus. I believe that getting involved in many activities are beneficial to the people around us. And for Integrasi 2016, I hope it became one starting point for the freshmen to choose the activities in many students' organizations at campus," Miqdam stated at last.

Photo source: Documentation Team of INTEGRASI 2016

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