Identifying Intruders Using Smart CCTV by ITB Students
By Ahmad Fadil
Editor Ahmad Fadil

BANDUNG, – A number of final year students from Electrical Engineering Study Program of Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) displayed their innovation works on EE (Electrical Engineering) Days 2018. The event was held on 22-24 Mei 2018 at Aula Timur ITB as a place to display their final project works.
Among those works is a unique visitor counting system and face recognizer which is integrated with Closed Circuit Television (CCTV).
The rising number of burglary and smuggling in contrast with the effectiveness of CCTV was the reason for Reza Montazery Permanda, Fransiskus Yoga Esa Wibowo, and Rafi Dasa Nanda Putra to develop this system.
Face recognition system is a feature that is lately often developed by leading software developer such as Android and Apple. Shopping centers use this system to make their everyday visitors count easier.
“Sometimes, museums and shops install CCTV, but with the current system it is almost impossible to manually count the visitors on the day even though it is important for data processing in a certain shopping center,” Reza Explained.
Moreover, facial recognition is developed to identify visitors in a room. “It shows if someone has gone out of the room or not. If there is a thievery recorded by CCTV, we will also have sufficient data to know when the thief enter and exit, thus making it easier for securities to detect the thief,” he said.
He exemplified using the security in public transport such as train or bus, “Sometimes passenger smuggle in without paying for the ticket. This system can help developer to find the solution for problems that is disadvantageous to them,” he said.
He said that this system they develop is more efficient and economical, because it uses the server from security computer, hence eliminating the need for new server and cost could be reduced.
“China has also developed visitor counter, but theirs only has visitor counter and image capturing feature, not yet the facial recognition. Moreover, the device China developed need its own server, hence it cost more than ours that use integrated server with security computer,” Reza explained.
Reza hopes this innovation can be mass produced so that Indonesian’s innovation in technology could help reduce crime rate in Indonesia.
Reporter: Garry Putranto
Photo: EEDays 2018 Committee