In It's 11th Birthday, SBM ITB was Awarded As The Best Management School in Indonesia
By Annisa Mienda
Editor Annisa Mienda

The predicate was awarded to SBM ITB due to its highest cumulative score in many aspects that were assessed by Mix Marketing. As it is written on, Kemal Effendi Gani, director of SWA Group stated that the award have lasted for five years and there are seven variables that become basic judgements for giving the award. The seven variables are reputation of the university, alumnus quality, cost and benefits, equality with foreign university which is assessed from its eligibility, location, facility, and social contribution.
Prof. Sudarso Kaderi Wiryono, Dean of SBM ITB stated that in its 11th birthday, SBM ITB arranged strategic planning to go international and will keep holding eduactional activities based on triple crown accreditated standard from EQUIS, AACSB, and AMBA. Various cooperation has also been done by SBM ITB with many univerity partners and inudstries. Recently, SBM ITB signed a MoU with MarkPlus Instiute for Strategic Marketing MBA class that will be opened in August 2016. Development of facilities and buildings to support the academic activities will also be continuously done by SBM ITB.
Brief History about SBM ITB
Founded on 31st of December 2003 based on Rector's decree number 203/SK/K01/KP/2003, School of Business and Management ITB brings vision of 'becoming a world class institution that develops leaders based on spirit of entrepreneurship'. As the result of support and proffessionality from all staffs of SBM ITB, SBM ITB currently hold five programs, which are Bachelor Program of Management, Bachelor Program of Entrepreneurship, Master Program of Business Administration, Master Program of Management Science, and Doctoral Program of Management Science. Year by year, those programs keep showing their great achievements, one of them is the first winner of Unilever Future Leader League 2014 in Singapore that was achieved by a bachelor student. Besides the students, outstanding achievements were also gained by SBM lecturers. One of them is Dr. Ir. Aries Firman who was awarded as the best presenter in international seminar 'Innovations in Accelerating Infrastructure Competitiveness and Sustainability'. ISO 9001:2008 certificate that was achieved by SBM ITB in 2014 furhter enhance the respendency of SBM IT.

Brief History about SBM ITB