ITB Students Gain Achievement in IEPC 2017
November 06, 2017Promoting Baju Bodo, Kahfiati Kahdar Shows Her Collection in Jakarta Fashion Week 2017
BANDUNG, – ITB gain achievement in works of art through Dr. Kahfiati Kahdar, M.A., a lecturer and Head of Craft Study Program whose collection was displayed in Jakarta Fashion Week (JFW) 2017 on Tuesday-Monday (21-27/10/17). Her success in bringing her collection into the biggest annual fashion show in Indonesia came from the...
November 01, 2017Fermenstation 2017: Festival for Fermented Tropical Food and Beverages
BANDUNG, – Many means are conducted by students of ITB to introduce and share the knowledge they get in university, such as from community service, seminar, and exhibition. One of those activities is Fermenstation 2017 held by Students Society of Microbiology ‘Archaea’ ITB on Saturday (28/10/17). ...
October 29, 2017Donor Darah Labtek Biru, Collaboration for Community Service between Student Associations in Labtek Biru Area
BANDUNG, – Blood donation is a proses of taking somebody’s blood voluntarily to be kept and stored for blood transfusion. Somebody needs blood transfusion for some reasons, such as massive blood loss from trauma, operation, or shock. Blood donation in ITB is common, one of them is held by Meteorology Student Association (HMME)...
October 27, 2017ITB Defend Title of the Overall Winner of NACES
BANDUNG, – ITB are proud of their students of Chemical Engineering who brought home overall winner title from National Chemical Engineering Symposium (NACES) 2017 which was held in Malaysia. Previously, ITB students also brought home the same title in 2016. This year, NACES which carried theme Waste to Wealth, was held by Institution...
October 27, 2017Holding National Symposium, ITB Invited Chairman of MPR RI
BANDUNG, – ITB carry out the mandate from the President about the establishment of Lembaga Pemantapan Pancasila or Pancasila Stabilization Agency, up to the establishment of Presidential Working Unit for the Implementation of the State Ideology of Pancasila (UKP-PIP) through National Symposium. Taking place at Aula Barat on...
October 25, 2017Ukawangi ITB Held Sewu Kelir Blambangan III
BANDUNG, – ITB campus is well-known for the place to develop science and technology wrapped in culture and art. Diversity of traditional culture and art are appreciated highly and supported by ITB through Student Units that have held many cultural shows. This time, Banyuwangi Culture Student Unit (Ukawangi) ITB performed in...
October 23, 2017ITB Inaugurates 1.033 Fresh Doctors and Masters in ITB’s First Graduation 2017/2018
BANDUNG, – Friday (20/10/17) is a historical day for graduates of ITB’s post-graduate program. On the second day of ITB’s First Graduation Ceremony of 2017/2018 Academic Year, students of doctoral, master, and engineer professional programs were inaugurated as alumni of ITB. Sasana Budaya Ganesha (Sabuga) Hall witnessed the...
October 20, 2017