70 Years of FSRD ITB: Evaluation on Trans-discipline, Culture, and Economy in the Context of Visual Arts, Craft, and Design

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id – 70 years has the Faculty of Art and Design been officially a part of ITB. Since its establishment, FSRD has given many contribution to both ITB and the community as a center of science, art, and culture. At its 70th year commemoration, FSRD held various events from congress to alumni reunion on Tuesday-Sunday (5-10/09/17). ...

September 05, 2017

Symomath 2017: Advancing the Life through Mathematics

Carrying the topic of "Advancing the Life Through the Mathematics", 5th Symposium on Biomathemathics has a very diverse scope discussion i.e. the bioinformatics and  bio-system, bio-engineering and synthetic biology, infectious disease transmission dynamics, dynamics of renewable resources, bio-statistics for infectious disease control. To...

August 30, 2017

The President of ICNN: Tracer Study for Information in Formulating the Excellence of ITB Graduates

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id – University is a medium for education that produces excellent graduates. These graduates will then be the orientation of education medium such as ITB to do its vision and mission. ITB facilitates its students with a...

September 03, 2017

ITB Students Bring Home Five Titles in International I-CAPS 2017

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id – ITB students have once again displayed their excellence by winning five nominations in I-CAPS (International Student Joint Capstone Design Project) which enter its fifth time this 2017. I-CAPS is a collaboration between several universities, namely ITB, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Nanyang Technological University,...

September 02, 2017

Guest Lectures Series in Commemoration of 70th Years of Chemistry Education

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id – Commemorating 70th years of Chemistry education in Indonesia, Chemistry Program of FMIPA ITB held Guest Lecture Series 2017. The event was held on Wednesday (30/08/17) and invited Haris Fasanuyasirul, S.T., On-site Manager, Southeast Asia and Pasific Air Liquide Indonesia. Taking place at Room 2104 Chemistry ITB, the lecture...

September 01, 2017

American Corner ITB: Environmental Journalism, A Perspective from American West

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id – The Embassy of USA in collaboration with American Corner of ITB held a discussion that carry the theme “Environmental Journalism: A Perspective from American West” on Friday (25/08/17) at 13.00 at American Corner Room, Perpustakaan Pusat ITB. The discussion was presented by Matthew Frank, a journalism expert and a...

August 28, 2017

ITB Held Student Unit Open House 2017

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id – To conclude the Student Orientation (OSKM) ITB 2017, ITB held Open House Unit (OHU) 2017 on Saturday (26/08/17). The open house is an occasion where all student units (UKM) under Student Affairs of ITB open their stand, providing easier access to freshmen who would like to join. There were hundreds of units—with subject of...

August 27, 2017