After Years of Striving, Ainge ST Team Won the 3rd Prize in Pacific and South East Peninsula Region and Best National in ACM-ICPC 2017
November 14, 2017Three ITB Students Won the 2nd Prize in Competitive Programming in Technoporia 2017
November 14, 2017ITB Held Education and Training Program for Students and Alumni
November 12, 2017Open House Bosscha Presented Edutourism for Academics of ITB
BANDUNG, – Bosscha Observatory (Bosscha) has been built even before World War II, in 1928 to be precise. In 1959, this astronomical facility in Lembang became a part of ITB history. Thenceforth, Bosscha operates as formal education and astronomical research facility. On Saturday (11/11/17), Bosscha held an open house for ITB academic...
November 12, 2017From Labtek V to the World through IEEEXtreme Programming Competition 11.0
BANDUNG, – ITB students keep bringing fame to Indonesia and ITB in international competition. This time, the fame come from world programming competition, IEEEXtreme Programming Competition 11.0 held by Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IEEE). In the competition held on Saturday-Sunday (14-15/10/2017), three ITB...
November 10, 2017Meet The Millenial : Learn, Grow, and Make a Difference!
BANDUNG, – ITB Career Center and Permata Bank collaborated to hold a talk show titled Meet the Millenial : Learn, Grow, and Make a Difference on Wednesday (08/11/17) at Auditorium IPTEKS CC Timur ITB. Present as a keynote speaker on the occasion was the President Director of Permata Bank, Dr. Ridha Wirakusumah, and a famous actor,...
November 09, 2017Head of BNPT : Let’s Preserve NKRI!
BANDUNG, – Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) held Studium Generale Public Lecture on Wednesday (08/11/17) at Aula Barat, Ganesha Campus ITB. This time, ITB invited Head of National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT), Komjen. Pol. Suhardi Alius, to share his knowledge with hundreds of participants who come from various classes and study...
November 09, 2017Taleus Team ITB Won Data Mining Competition in GEMASTIK 10
BANDUNG, – Achievement comes from many areas, not only from grades in university but also from accomplishment and hard work outside university that developed through self-challenge and breaking own’s limit. The effort should be driven by actions and exploration, not merely by fulfillment of academic competence. Students of...
November 08, 2017ITB –Ministry of State Enterprises Held Public Lecture in Celebration of Youth Pledge
BANDUNG, – On the celebration of Youth Pledge on Saturday (28/10/17), ITB in collaboration with Ministry of State Enterprises (BUMN) held Studium Generale public lecture titled “BUMN Building Economic Justice”. Taking place at 3rd floor of CRCS Building, the public lecture...
October 28, 2017ICICI BME 2017: Uniting Engineering and Health Practitioners
BANDUNG, – School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (STEI) and Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) held 5th International Conference on Instrumentation, Communication, Information Technology, and Biomedical (ICICI BME) titled Science and Technology for A Better Life on Monday-Tuesday (6-7/11/2017) at Aula Timur...
November 07, 2017