Inter-Disciplinary Engineering Project: Simulation Subjects Embodiment Real World of Work
By Diviezetha Astrella Thamrin
Editor Diviezetha Astrella Thamrin

BANDUNG, - As one of Indonesia's best technical institutions, ITB's fresh graduates are required to perform well in the real world of work. Based on this reason, Faculty of Industrial Technology ITB establishes Inter-Disciplinary Engineering Project, a subject which teaches students about systemic thinking with a study case on designing a gasification system. This subject in this term was closed with an exhibition of various solutions of gasification system design, viewed from various aspects. Held in East Campus Center, the exhibition which was held on Friday (07/12/13) was also a judging even for the best gasification system design.
The Vice Dean of Faculty of Industrial Technology ITB, Prof. Bermawi P. Iskandar, mentioned that with the application of systemic thinking, good design solutions will be produced in any kind of problems. A good design solution is an effective and efficient solution which can be implemented to solve problems in real world. "With systemic thinking, an effective system performance will be created. This effective system performance will generate an optimal design solution," said Bermawi in his opening speech.
In this subject, students from all majors conjoined in Faculty of Industrial Technology ITB are required to collaborate in a small team to solve a real problem. In this term, the study case is how to fulfill the needs of electricity in Jatinangor ITB Campus with gasification system. Students from Industrial Engineering, Engineering Management, Chemical Engineering, and Physics Engineering are joined in teams and implement their specific knowledge. This specific knowledge is used to create an effective and efficient gasification system design. The design of gasification system was analyzed from various aspects; from its procurement system and biomass feeds inventories, mass balance for the gasifier, dynamic modeling, and project management along with economical evaluations.
Dr. Iwan Prasetiyo, one of the lecturers from Physics Engineering, states that this subject has a big effect for students. Students are required to solve an unstructured problem, and they are also required to keep the works dynamic of the team in order to reach the objective and the target. "These 2 combinations are usually found in reality, and has become the main characteristic of this subject," said Iwan.
Besides that, Iwan hopes that this subject can be improved and refined every year. "From Physics Engineering, I also hope that dynamic modeling will have a more proportional weight in this subject as a detailing of systemic thinking."