Introducing the Epic Ramayana through Ethnic-Futuristic Costumes on Final Project Exhibition

Oleh Ahmad Fadil

Editor Ahmad Fadil

BANDUNG, – Various beautiful works by Craft students of ITB adorned Aula Timur ITB on Wednesday (6/6/2018). Those works are the final projects that serves as graduation requirements for 30 students of Craft Study Program. Each student was given a chance to explain their works to the visitors on their 3x3 square meter booth.

Fashion products dominate the exhibition. One of the works that captivate the visitors was the works by Elgana (17214027). For his works, called “Development of Costume of the Epic Ramayana Character using Surface Design”, there are 4 elegant and beautiful costumes that revive 4 strong and prominent characters in the Epic Ramayana.

Each costume depicts each character. Hanuman’s costume was made in white to portray loyalty, honesty, and courage. Sita’s costume was made in purplish red to portray the pressure she struggles. Rama’s costume was made in blue to portray elegance, goodness, honesty, and cool leadership. The last costume, Ravana’s, was made in dark colors such as black and crimson as well as golden robes to portray mysticism, thirst for power, and grandeur.

In the process of making these four costumes, Elgana conducted researches, brainstorming, pattern making, and exploration around Bandung for 6 months. These elegant costumes that combine ethnic and futuristic touches are not only pleasing the eye, but also paying attention to the comfort of the wearer. Elgana designed the costumes very well so that they are easy to wear. The costumes also use materials such as cotton to avoid inconvenience. In the production process, the costume was made with simple technique, hence it took only 2 weeks to finish.

Through his work, Elgana hopes he can change how Ramayana is visualized, from old and boring look into a fresh portrayal that increase youth’s interest toward national culture. Elgana believe that there are many lessons to learn from the Epic Ramayana and other similar stories that is applicable now and in the future.

The costumes will be registered to competition, just like Elgana’s previous work which was once a big 20 finalist on Indonesia Fashion Week 2018. The said work lifted old and conventional toraja weaving into simple and elegant item for youths.

Reporter: Indah Dwi Rachmawati (Chemical Engineering 2015)
Photo: Personal Documentation

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