ITB Accepts 1,470 Students in the 2020’s SNMPTN

Oleh Adi Permana

Editor Adi Permana

Results of the National Selection for State University Entrance (SNMPTN) for 2020 have been announced on Wednesday (04/08/2020) at 01:00 PM (UTC +7). The announcement can be seen on the main page of the Institute of College Entrance Test (LTMPT) and also on the 12 mirror links shown. For this year, the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) received 1,470 participants from 14,000 registering participants.

Based on data obtained from the ITB Directorate of Education, 1,470 participants accepted at ITB represented 34 provinces in Indonesia with 48.9% male and 51.1% female. The number represents 35%, the quota for admission of ITB students through this year's SNMPTN, ITB students later.

It should also be noted that ITB also accepts students from 3T regions (Behind, Leading, and Outermost) as part of the affirmation scholarship program from the government.

Participants who have been declared to be ITB students via SNMPTN are expected to immediately re-register online by following the procedures on the page

As is well known, ITB holds three paths for selecting undergraduate students. The three pathways are the National Selection for State Universities Entrance (SNMPTN), Joint Selection for State University Entrance (SBMPTN), and the ITB’s Independent Selection (SM - ITB).

Bandung, 8 April 2020
University Secretary of Institut Teknologi Bandung
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ir. Widjaja Martokusumo

Translator: Ferio Brahmana

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