SBM-ITB MoT Lab Holds Joint-Lecture with Researchers from Twente University

Oleh Adi Permana

Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG,—The Management of Technology Laboratory from the School of Business and Management of ITB (MoT-Lab SBM ITB) held a mini-lecture with researchers from Twente University. The lecture was conducted at SBM-ITB's Kresna Lobby on January 11, 2023.

The event was welcomed by the Director of SBM-ITB MoT Lab, Dr.rer.pol. Eko Agus Prasetio, MBA, and then opened by Dr. Ir. Ignatius Pulung Nurprasetio, M.SME., as the Vice Dean of Resources of SBM-ITB. The event was themed "The Role of Technology in Addressing Societal Challenges".

Amalia Suryani, a researcher from Twente University, delivered a presentation titled "Co-creation for technological innovations in energy access, A transdisciplinary approach." She explained the use of microgrids to access energy. A microgrid is an integrated energy system containing three key elements: generation, storage, and load. These elements are run and distributed locally. For operation, they are isolated or connected to another set of grids. Microgrids can supply electricity to numerous households, public facilities, and businesses. During the presentation, she also talked about the implementation of microgrids in Indonesia.

Another researcher from Twente University, Maarten Appelman, was also present at the event. In his presentation entitled "Philosophy of Technology, taking responsibility in a technological age," he cited the words of the eminent philosopher Martin Heidegger. According to Heidegger, it is essential to understand how modern technology has changed our perspective on nature. Heidegger also expressed his concern about the possibility of humans viewing each other in a dehumanizing way.

In the middle of the event, SBM-ITB MoT Lab announced to the participants that it had recently published a book titled "Technology Transfer and Innovation for Business Transformation." The book's authors, consisting of SBM-ITB members, include Eko Agus Prasetio, Uruqul Nadhif Dzakiy, and Dedy Sushandoyo. The event was attended by more than 50 people, both in-person and online.

Reporter: Not available in the text
Translator: Ariq Ramadhan Teruna (Chemical Engineering '21)

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