ITB Confers Honoris Causa and Honorary Professor Degree to Prof. Kydland

Oleh Adi Permana

Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, – In a series commemorating its 60th Dies Natalis, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) conferred Honoris Causa and Honorary Professor to Professor Finn Erling Kydland at Sasana Budaya Ganesha Building (Sabuga) of ITB on Wednesday, 6th March 2019.

Professor Finn Erling Kydland is a Professor in Economy from University of California Santa Barbara and Tepper School of Business, Carnegie Mellon University. This Norwegian Economist received Nobel Prize in Economy in 2004 together with Professor Edward C. Prescott for their contribution to time inconsistency and business cycle theories.

“The research explains about the effect of macro economy policy to the growth of economy and business cycle. The result of the research also implies to the policy maker in Indonesia and provide solutions to economic problems in Indonesia and other developing countries,” said the head of Promoter, Prof. Dr. Sudarso Kaderi Wiryono, DEA.

The award is an act of ITB as world class university that moves toward Entrepreneurial University, which has three indicators, namely excellence in teaching and learning, excellence in research, and excellence in innovation and entrepreneurship.

Prof Sudarso as the Dean of SBM-ITB said that the honorary degree does not obligate Prof. Kydland to conduct any points of Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi (university’s three main purposes) in education, research, and community service. The degree was conferred solely for his dedication to economy.

When he does professional and academic activities, he will enclose the name of ITB. By this mean, ITB’s name will be known on global level,” said Prof. Sudarso. He also hoped that in the future, ITB especially SBM can arrange joint research on topics closely related to Indonesia.

According to Prof. Finn Erling Kydland, receiving honorary degrees from institutions is not merely about receiving the degree. “It is truly a great honor to me,” said Prof. Kydland.

On the ceremony, Prof. Kydland addressed a keynote speech entitled “Business Cycles in Developing Countries: Role of Economic Policy for Economic Development” followed by an interactive Q&A session. It is concluded with conferment of medals and honorary doctor from Rector of ITB, Prof. Dr. Ir. Kadarsah Suryadi, DEA.

ITB also conferred awards to several staffs in ITB as appreciation toward their achievements and outstanding dedications to the institution. There are five recipients of Ganesa Wira Utama, 11 award recipients in teaching, 12 award recipients in research, 16 award recipients in innovation, and 12 award recipients in development of institution.

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