ITB Debate Team Won United Asian Debating Championship (UADC)

Oleh Neli Syahida

Editor Neli Syahida

BANDUNG, - ITB debate team represented by Student English Forum (SEF) ITB won UADC 2013 in Manila, Filipina on Wednesday-Thursday (22-30/05/13). In this competition, ITB team surpassed the other team from Phillippines, Malaysia, Beijing, Bangladesh, Singapore, China, Japan, and Thailand

UADC is annual debat competition which aim for universities around Asia. This is the biggest parliament debate competition between universities in Asia which consist of more than 600 participants. UADC is the composite of Asian Universities Debating Chapionship (AUDC) and All-Asian Intervarsity Debating Championships (AIDC). This year, UADC 2013 was held byUniversity Philippine Diliman and cooperate with Ateneo de Manila University.

ITB debate team which consist of Vicario Reinaldo (Industrial Engineering 2010), Alris Alfharisi (Petroleum Engineering 2011), dan Muhammad Arifian Adin (Faculty of Industrial Technology 2012) acted as opposition fraction. In this tournament, each of team debated with theme "This House Would Abolish Welfare Services for the Poor and Give Them the Equivalent in Cash Instead" in English Category as Foreign Language (EFL). As opposition fraction, SEF ITB rejected abolishment welfare service for the poor and replaced it with cash aid.

As opposition fraction, SEF ITB grabbed victory by proving great chance for abusing usage cash aid. SEF debate team won 4 rounds of 8 elimination rounds, surpassed debate team from University of Indonesia,  Ateneo de Davao University, Chulangkom, and debate team from China. Moreover, SEF debate team also showed how important health and education for community, so welfare service for community shouldn't be abolished.

"I'm very happy and proud by winning this tournament. By this victory, I hope SEF will be get another achievement in both of national and international," Vicario said.

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