ITB Distributed Hand Sanitizer to Several Hospitals in West Java

By Adi Permana

Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, - Under the threat of COVID-19, any form of hand sanitizer or hand wipes are in short supply and price gouging on the rise as COVID-19 continues to spread.  As a part of efforts to curb the spread Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) ITB through Business and Endowment Fund ITB (Badan Pengelola Usaha dan Dana Lestari ITB) is distributing hand sanitizer to several hospitals in West Java. 

BPUDL-ITB distributed hand sanitizer with School of Pharmacy ITB, Bumi Medika Ganesha (BMG), and School of Life Sciences and Technology (SITH). Some of the lecturers and practitioners were involved; Dr. Ahmad Faizal (SITH), Dr. Deddy Priatmodjo Koesrindartoto (Dir. BPUDL-SBM), Dr. Apt. Sophi Damayanti (SF), Dr. Apt. Yulianto (SF), Apt. Bhekti Praktiwi, M.Sc (SF), Iwa Kartiwa, M.OR (SF), Apt. Dewi Fitriani, M.Si (FAITB Alumni), and Apt. Inshe Melori (BMG).

Chair of BUPDL-ITB Dr. Deddy Koesrindartoto said, 200 liters of hand sanitizer distributed to hospitals in Bandung included Hasan Sadikin Hospital, Santosa Hospital, Muhammadiyah Hospital, Al Islam Hospital, and several other hospitals in Cirebon, Garut, Kuningan, Majalengka, Cileunyi, Padalarang and Persahabatan Hospital, East Jakarta.

"We distributed it to those hospitals that are referred by the government. Each of hospital’s Health Facilities are asked to come and take hand sanitizer directly to the manufacturing location by themselves . "They really needed it. They came here with various mode of transportation. It shown us their efforts and the importance of hand sanitizer use in hospitals," said Dr. Deddy.

Deddy continued, ITB through BUPDL had prepared further activities to assist the government in preventing the spread of COVID-19. He also hopes that all ITB academicians can work together to fight against COVID-19 outbreak in accordance with their respective abilities.

Translator: Billy Akbar Prabowo