ITB Held 9th IECOM 2020: Sustainable Industry

Oleh Adi Permana

Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, – Institut Teknologi Bandung held Industrial Engineering Competition (IECOM) on January 6-10 2020 at Aula Barat of ITB, Jalan Ganesa, Bandung. The international event was the most prestigious competition on industrial engineering in Indonesia organized by students of Industrial Engineering of ITB.

IECOM 2020 was an effort to create impact and gave the best experience through competition, grand summit, and conference on industrial engineering. In the event, a number of agendas were arranged such as grand seminar, student summit, and competition on industrial engineering. This year, IECOM ITB raised the theme of sustainable industry.

According to Rian Aristio as Secretary General of IECOM 2020, ‘sustainable’ here covers three main pillars namely social, environment, and economy. The main reason to raise the theme is because the committee thinks that Indonesians, and also South East Asians, lack awareness on sustainability issue. Rapid development of technology is also one of the main factors that encourages development of sustainability.

The grand summit was an open-for-public seminar which aimed to widely and massively raise issues around the theme. The speakers on the grand summit were Head of Corporate Affairs and Sustainability Unilever Indonesia Nurdiana Darus and Managing Director Accenture Indonesia Fuad Sahid Lalean who delivered a topic “How to overcome Sustainability Challenges using Technology”,  CEO AirAsia Indonesia Veronita Sinaga and Director of Technology Community at PwC Tiara Simanungkalit who delivered a topic “Optimization of Technology and Human Resources in Achieving Sustainability”. The keynote speaker of the grand summit was the representative of Ministry of Industry.

“IECOM is a very positive event to hold. We can learn many things from here, especially on management of resources and management of relevant stakeholders,” said Rian.

The student summit was conference designing for students by inviting some of the best delegates who brought their best ideas regarding the theme. The competition on industrial engineering science started with preliminary and ended with a grand final.

The event saw participation from 14 participants coming from the best universities in Indonesia and one participant coming from the Philippines. In the grand final, participants were asked to propose solutions regarding sustainability in AirAsia as the collaborating company. The winner of the competition is OPTIMAX Team from Universitas Gadjah Mada.

Rian hopes issues which are related to sustainability raised in the event can increase awareness among South East Asians or Indonesians since the change is so massive it requires each other’s collaboration.

Reporter: Diah Rachmawati (Industrial Engineering 2016)

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