Maximum HCM Development for Optimum Employee Performance
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG,—Human Capital Management (HCM) is a very basic factor of change for an organization to manage its Human Resources (HR). Every person has their own different potential which needs to be developed independently or through a system in order to achieve common goals.
"This HCM requires a compact and integrated approach because there are more than 3000 lecturers and campus staff. Integrated does not necessarily mean centralized or uniform, but more emphasis on teamwork and togetherness. With integrated management, it is expected that those different potentials will complement and strengthen each other so that the existing HR can make more contribution to our nation," said the ITB Rector, Prof. Reini Wirahadikusumah, Ph.D., in her remarks at the ITB HCM Development presentation.
The offline meeting which was held at West Hall on Tuesday (4/1/2021) was attended by ITB officials. This event was also live broadcasted through Microsoft Team and also attended by ITB lecturer and campus staff.
Furthermore, a remuneration concept for ITB lecturers and campus staff was presented by IR. Ricardo Irwan Rei, M.Sc., MBA. "ITB performance is affected by many internal components which are interconnected with each other, such as structure, strategy, individual skills, staff, style, and system. The people who we are needing certainly have been aligned with our goals as an organization," he explained.
According to the charting process, which was done by the Managing Director MTI HR Consulting, human resources, which is a part of the system, need to be constantly repaired. "HCM is one of the sub-systems. Whatever its categorization, in the end, our objective is to preserve our staff and motivate them so that they can reach their best performance and help us to achieve our visions and missions," he added.
The HCM ITB development phase itself is divided into 3 stages. The first stage is strengthening the foundation by creating critical systems which are needed by the organization. It is being carried out throughout 2021 now. Human Resource Information System (HRIS), competency-based job profile, performance management system, and payroll system have been the main focus of this stage. The derivative system building stage phase 1 will begin soon after the foundation has been built. Meanwhile, the growth stage or the organization strengthening stage will be the final stage and is targeted to be completed around 2022-2023.
Irwan explained the new payroll strategy which will have some new factors in its equation. Judging from the existing payroll system, Irwan proposed some recommendations such as a general compensation policy and 2-phases restructure. According to him, an optimal remuneration system will then create an optimal working performance.
"All of the lecturers and campus staff need to collaborate and support each other when carrying out the change management in order to make sure that this process would run effectively," said Prof. Reini as a closing remark.
Reporter: Maharani Rachmawati Purnomo (Oceanography, 2020)
Translator: Favian Aldilla R (Civil Engineering, 2019)