Internship in SGC Thailand: Three ITB Students Applied Knowledge Learned in Classes

Oleh Yasmin Aruni

Editor Yasmin Aruni

BANDUNG, - Learning in classes with lecturers is considered insufficient to equip students to be a good scholar in facing the future in the working world or higher level of education. Practical work or internship program can facilitate students to get a real working experience like a real employee. There are numerous internship programs offered by companies, both national and multinational, that can be applied by ITB students. Several students actually passed and earned the opportunity to intern both domestic and abroad.

Three ITB students, Anbibie (Chemical Engineering 2013), Vinsensius Hansen (Mechanical Engineering 2013), and Robert (Mechanical Engineering 2012) participated in SGC International Internship Program Year 3 held by Siam Center Group (SGC) Company. After passing a tight selection process of writing essay and interview session in English alongside with other 7 people from Indonesia, Anbibie, Robert and Vinsensius started their internship in Thailand from Monday (15/06/15) to Tuesday (14/07/15). Other from technical students, other students from non-technical fields like Economy, Management, Law, Business and Marketing can also join this internship.

 A total of 34 students from Indonesia, Vietnam, Myanmar and the Philippines did internships in several SCG companies spread in Thailand. Anbibie, as a chemical engineering student got an assignment to work at Map Ta Phut Oleofins Company (MOC) and get the project to find the optimal state on a unit that processes the distillation tower at the factory to maximize production capacity and looking for key issues in the process unit then provide a solution. The same thing is true for Robert and Vincent who are students of Mechanical Engineering. Robert is assigned at the factory SCG Packaging and got the project to redesign the piping and a machine that is a dust collector to improve its quality.

In addition to getting the lessons that are technical and specific in respective fields, Anbibie claimed that he got a lot of life lessons for interacting with a variety of human characters with diverse backgrounds. Anbibie admitted impressed with the culture of the Thai people who are friendly and helpful both at work and in everyday life. Egalitarian culture also shown that SCG employees can be seen from the absence of a distance from each other, even with the waiters. In addition, the experience of getting international friends is also one of the most memorable part.

"Work smart and work hard should be applied but work smart is more important," said Anbibie who also explained that working smart is the important thing to possess to be successful in his career. Anbibie also learned the key to successfully building the company into a large and successful company that it must have and maintain principles and values ​​both within the company so that it becomes a culture. "Create an environment that is positive and healthy work wherever we are. Be those who speak and act positively against individuals around it," said Anbibie the SCG culture.

This activity is highly recommended to be followed in subsequent years by students of ITB. ITB is a college that is known by SCG because there are always ITB students who pass since this international internship program first held in 2013. Anbibie supports ITB students to participate in this event considering the many positive changes that have happened to him after returning from an internship as it becomes more dedicated to work, more caring and responsible, and more enthusiastic in carrying out all the things in this life. "Hopefully I can apply everything I learned in the future. Hopefully this internship will be a stepping stone for future opportunities," concludes Anbibie with all the noble expectations.


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