ITB Held International Nuclear Conference

Oleh Yasmin Aruni

Editor Yasmin Aruni

BANDUNG, - Nuclear is one of the modern technology that is currently being intensively developed for a variety of purposes, one of them for the supply of energy. Nuclear Physics Research Groups from Physics Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) Institute of Technology (ITB) and the Institute for Research and Community Services (LPPM ITB) held the 5th International Conference on Advances in Nuclear Science and Engineering in the East Hall ITB (17-20/11/15). This event is held every two years, previously held in Bali and this time ITB was chosen to host this prestigious activity. According to Prof. Zaki Su'ud as the Committee Chairman, the purpose of this conference is to summarize current research activities, development and innovation in nuclear science and engineering applications as well as a forum of communication between the world of nuclear experts.
This international activity consists of a series of activities, namely Opening on Tuesday (17/11/15) at the Auditorium of East Campus Center, containing lecture of Prof. Zaki Su'ud (Physics, ITB), Prof. Dmitrii Samokhin (MEPhI, Russia), Prof. Hiroshi Sekimoto (Tokyo Tech, Japan), and Prof. Sumer Sahin (Atilim University, Turkey). Then in addition to the scientific agenda there is also and introduction on cultural and tourist activities in the city of Bandung through One Day Tour on Wednesday (18/11/15) by visiting Saung Angklung Udjo, Maras, Floating Market Lembang, and so forth. Then its core activities of the conference, held on Thursday-Friday (19-20/11/15) in ITB East Hall. For the first day of the conference begins with the Opening Ceremony by Prof. Zaki Su'ud and Prof. Hiroshi Sekimoto, and then followed by Keynote Speaker Prof. Djarot S. Wisnubroto (Head of the National Nuclear Energy Agency (BATAN)) which describes about "BATAN Policy and Strategy on Nuclear Energy Program in Indonesia", Prof. Kim Yonghee (KAIST, South Korea), who presented the topic "R & DD actiivities for the PGSFR Design and Construction", as well as Prof. Sumer Sahin (Atilim University, Turkey) entitled "Conventional and Advanced Nuclear Reactors". After the lunch break, Parallel Session continued until late afternoon.

On the second day, on Friday (20/11/15) started with Keynote Speaker Prof. Hiroshi Sekimoto (Tokyo Tech, Japan) which brought the topic "A Roadmap of Innovative Nuclear Energy System", Dr. Arnold Soestrianto (KEDRN, Indonesia), and Prof. Dimitrii Samokhin (MEPhI, Russia) who presented the topic "Russian Innovative Nuclear Technologies". Then proceed with Parrarel Session, Keynote Speaker Prof. Jazi Eko Istiyanto (Head of Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency), and the Closing Ceremony. This activity also presents 60 speakers who presented their papers on Parallel Session and attended by students from various majors that are interested in nuclear science and engineering.

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