ITB Hosted Initial Event of National Competition in Business, Management, and Finance

Oleh Adi Permana

Editor Adi Permana

*Participants of National Student Competition in Business, Management, and Finance listening to keynote speech from guest lecturers. (Photo by: Elisabeth Sirumapea)

BANDUNG, – Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti) and Institute Teknologi Bandung Organized Kompetisi Mahasiswa Nasional Bidang Ilmu Bisnis, Manajemen, dan Keuangan (KBMK) or National Student Competition in Business, Management, and Finance on 13-14 September 2019 at School of Business and Management Building of ITB, Bandung.

The event raised a theme “Promoting the Advancement of Business Ecosystem using Innovation of Business, Management, and Finance that Strengthens National Identity and Utilizes Technology for National Prosperity”. The aim is to be an effort to higher education and industry, government, and professional associations.

“We as the host express our sincere thanks to Kemenristekdikti that have given the trust to us to host this initial KMBK competition which will be the pioneer for the next KMBK. We are grateful to have contributed to enrich knowledge especially in humanities,” said Sandro Mihradi as Chair of Student Affairs (LK-ITB) on the event.

KMBK comprises four parts, the first is case analysis competition in marketing, the second is competition in investment research, the third is competition in business planning in the aspect of utilization of technology, and the fourth is competition in investigation audit. Each group was assessed by three jury coming from academician, practitioner, professional association representative, and government representative.

KMBK saw participation from 247 teams of various universities in Indonesia both state and private universities. Of those 247 teams, 42 teams are selected after national selection, and 20 finalist from 4 categories.

“I believe that from this competition, great ideas will emerge and bring benefit to our community,” said Didin Wahidin as the Director of Student Affairs of Kemenristekdikti who attended the event to open and close KMBK 2019.

Participants show competitiveness in solving the problems given by the jury, indicated by diverse responds. As for the results, in marketing case analysis competition ITB won the first place, followed by UPI, IPB, and UNIBI on the second, third, and fourth place respectively.

In the category of investigation audit, Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM won the first place, followed by UI, UNIMED, and STIE PGRI Dewantara in the second, third, and fourth place respectively.

In business planning in the aspect of utilization of technology, UGM won the first place, followed by IPB, UNTAR, and ITB on the second, third, and fourth place respectively.

In investment research, UI won the first place, followed by UNBRAW, IPB, and Atmajaya on the second, third, and fourth place respectively.

Sonny Rustiadi as committee chair of KMBK 2019 hopes KBMK will hone the capability and competitiveness of Indonesian students for better competence which is required in business today and in the future.

“Hopefully all participants will use this opportunity to compete and create relations with other participants and give benefit to the nation and its people,” he added.

Reporter: Elisabeth Sirumapea (Management 2020)

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