ITB Jatifest 2023 OHU Exhibition: Reigniting the Spirit of Student Activities

Oleh Anggun Nindita

Editor Anggun Nindita

JATINANGOR, - One of the standout events of ITB Jatifest 2023 on Saturday, February 9, 2023, was the Open House Unit (OHU). This event garnered significant attention, especially from new ITB students. OHU, an annual event, offers new students a direct connection to various student clubs and activities, commonly known as UKM in Indonesian. The event is organized each year with the hope of encouraging new students to join UKM based on their interests and abilities.

This year's OHU featured six segments of UKM: education, arts and culture, religion, studies, sports, and media. Each segment was located in different areas for easy navigation. Additionally, the event featured stands for food and beverages, merchandise, sponsors, and media partners.

The OHU exhibition commenced at 10 in the morning and concluded at 5 in the evening. The event began with a parade featuring all the participating UKM. The arts and culture segment's parade was particularly striking, with participants showcasing a diverse array of traditional clothing. After the parade, visitors had the freedom to explore and visit numerous booths at their own pace.

Each booth at the exhibition had its own unique appeal. One of the most crowded booths was that of the North Sumatra Arts Club (UKSU). This club provided visitors with the opportunity to play traditional musical instruments such as tagading, ogung, or sulim. The club members also encouraged visitors to sing and dance along.

Members of other UKM also enlivened the atmosphere by singing, dancing, and showcasing their respective traditional musical instruments.

The Badminton Club (UBT), also known as UBT, experienced a similar surge in interest. According to a report from one of UBT's members, Henard Niki Limbongan, the unit attracted around 300 visitors. "OHU succeeded in introducing UKM to new students, enabling them to participate in activities beyond academics," he added.

New students expressed similar enthusiasm. One freshman from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMNS), Petra Siahaan, eagerly attended OHU this year. He visited numerous stands and inquired directly about the activities being offered.

"The event was simply fun and fantastic. I'd rate it 9 out of 10. Why not a 10? Because I haven't had the chance to explore all the other fantastic booths yet," he said with delight.

Reporter: Erika Winfellina Sibarani (Mathematics ‘21)

Translator: Ariq Ramadhan Teruna (Chemical Engineering ‘21)

Editor: Vera C.U.

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