ITB Launced the Research and Mineral Energy Museum Building

Oleh Medhira Handinidevi

Editor Medhira Handinidevi

BANDUNG, - On the implementation of the rearrangement in ITB Ganesha, some of the educational supporting facilities were on building progress. One of the recently built was Research and Mineral Energy Museum that was announced on Thursday (03/04/14). The event was attended by ITB's Recotr, Prof. Akhmaloka. The building, that is located in the complex of Faculty of Mining and Oil Engineering, was built with the concept of Center of Research Excellence (CoRE) and was meant to be the laboratory for research in energy and minerals.
Th event was begun by the opening remarks from Akhmaloka which stated his own enthusiasm in creating the building. This 8th-story building facilitated some of the activites of Indonesia's energy Museum, such as Center of Research Excellence for Fossil Energy, Center of Research Excellence for Renewable Energy, and Center of Research Excellence for New Energy. "This building would become the facility for creating researches in energy and mineral so that ITB can develop those concept deeply," said Akhmaloka in his speech.

The effort for making ITB as research university, all faculty who has the potential to develop fossil and newable energy such as Faculty of Mining and Oil Engineering, Faculty of Earth Science and Technology, Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, and Faculty Industrial Engineering were given the facility inside the new building. The concept of CoRE is to bring together every discipline in science and technology to create an integrated body of knowledge in energy and mineral energy.

"This multi-discipline interaction would be able to produce new concept in energy and minerals field, so use this facility as the tools to develop it," added Akhmaloka. The mian goal to this building was to build an advanced research laboratory as a world-class facility. Not only for ITB's community, other scientist form different universities were encouraged to use it. Therefore, this building was attached to the demand of national energy, including energy availability, deliverability, and accessibility.

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