ITB Rector Sign MoU Cooperation in the Field of Marine Engineering
By Ninik Susadi Putri
Editor Ninik Susadi Putri

The collaboration is expected to realize the goal in the development of education, training, research, and community service by utilizing the resources provided both parties without disturbing the execution of their respective duties. This activity also supports marine scientific techniques that will facilitate Indonesia in realizing maritime axis. ITB as an agency opened earlier similar study program are expected to be role models. Cooperation in maritime programs is supporting this great potential for Indonesia. Moreover Indonesian has reach two-thirds of the entire territory of sea.
Agreement between President University with ITB was the development of education, training, research, and community service. Compared to buying foreign commodities for the development of the construction, it turns out financing human resource development will be worth many times. "ITB participated pleased to have a partner in solving the problems of the nation, treating loneliness ITB in building the nation. As ITB motto," In Harmonia Progressio ", meaning forward together in harmony in an atmosphere of togetherness," Kadarsah said. President University located in Jababeka Education Park has a historical and psychological relationship with ITB rector pioneered by the first President of the University as alumni of ITB. The good relationship nurtured want to continue so that the potential role of higher education is expected to have an impact in the AEC (ASEAN Economic Community), which started in December.