ITB Student Achieves 2nd Runner Up in the West Java Putra Putri Pendidikan Election 2024

Oleh Anggun Nindita

Editor Anggun Nindita

BANDUNG, – Interior Design student at the Faculty of Fine Arts and Design, Institut Teknologi Bandung (FFAD ITB), Aghniyya Rahmatillah, acquire a remarkable achievement by securing 2nd Runner Up position in the 2024 West Java Province Putra Putri Pendidikan Election.

Aghniyya Rahmatillah, known as Anoy, also served as the 2023 ITB Campus Ambassador for Literacy. She mentioned that her motivation for participating in this competition stemmed from her prior interest and engagement in various educational and literacy activities.

“It started by volunteering to teach children through the Meanu Dreams Organizations that focuses on education and literacy. I eventually felt compelled to participate in the 2024 West Java Putra Putri Pendidikan Election to advocate in this field,” Anoy stated on Thursday (22/2/2024).

She mentioned that the selection process was quite tough. From the auditions to the grand finale, she faced various challenges and obstacles.

“I witnessed extraordinary talents among my fellow participants, but this actually gave me motivation to try my best,” she added.

During those times, Anoy admitted to learning a lot especially in terms of public speaking, etiquette, and adopting constructive attitudes and behaviors. “I’ve gained numerous life lessons, and I’ve also found a new supportive and positive family,” she said.

As a campus ambassador who has also achieved success in the pageant world, Anoy gave out some tips for fellow students who wish to enter the pageant world. “Dare to try without feeling any fear, showcase your uniqueness, and believe in the efforts that you’ve put in. Everything happens for a reason,” she stated.

Anoy’s success in the 2024 West Java Province Putra Putri Pendidikan Election not only showcases her personal dedication and perseverance but also serves as an inspiration towards the young generation to participate in positive changes through the educational and literacy field.

With her inspiring journey, Anoy instills hope that all hard working individuals have the potential to attain extraordinary achievements through being brave, hard work, and self-belief.

Reporter: Hafsah Restu Nurul Annafi (Urban and Regional Planning, 2019)
Translator: Sherina Wijaya (Geological Engineering, 2019)
Editor: Kezia Hosana

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