ITB Supports Bandung City Government in Creating Green Spaces in the Ganesa Street Area
By Anggun Nindita
Editor Anggun Nindita

BANDUNG, - Institut Teknologi Bandung has collaborated with the Bandung City Government to revitalize the Ganesa Street area in Bandung through revitalization initiative. The objective of the Ganesa Street revitalization project is to improve the environmental aspects of the area and enhance its overall aesthetic appeal.
ITB is also in support of the Bandung City Government's initiatives to improve parking facilities and regulate stallholders in the Ganesa Street surrounding area. Furthermore, there will be efforts to enhance biking routes and improve sidewalks in the vicinity, aiming to create a more pleasant environment for the general public. The main gate of ITB, located on Ganesa Street, will also be undergoing enhancements on both sides.
As commonly recognized, this street functions as the primary entrance to ITB's Ganesha Campus. ITB will provide support to the Bandung City Government in improving the nearby areas of the campus, such as Salman Mosque, Gelap Nyawang Street, and Ganesha Park. The executive board of ITB has been in talks with the Bandung City Government to support the revitalization plans for the Ganesa area.
This partnership with the Bandung City Government is in line with ITB's dedication to establishing a sustainable and environmentally friendly campus, benefiting not only the ITB community but also the general public. ITB anticipates that this initiative will serve as a source of inspiration for the development of additional environmentally friendly areas.
The Daily Executor (Plh.) Mayor of Bandung, Ema Sumarna, expresses a positive reception to the participation of ITB in the revitalization of the Ganesa Street area. "We want to carry out the planning based on Regulation No. 4 of 2011. We will conduct studies and determine the design first," he recently stated. Ema also ensures that the revitalization of the Ganesa Street area will consider environmental factors and meet the needs of the community.
Reporter: Anggun Nindita
Translator: Anggi Nurdiani
Editor: Vera Citra Utami