ITB Won Silver Medal In PIMNAS 2014
By Neli Syahida
Editor Neli Syahida

Of the seven teams that competed in PIMNAS, only one team that got on the stage. The members are Muhammad Fahrurroji, Ikhsanudin Amri, Robet Fransiska (Engineering Physics 2010), Bayu Pamungkas (Engineering Physics 2011), and Kinanti Aprilia (Engineering Physics 2012 ). "At first, joining this competition was a challenge to make a creation in accordance with their background. In this time, we as ITB's students were demanded to make the creation in technology," Robet said. His participation in this PKM activity is still slightly. Therefore, this year the Student Cabinet (KM) ITB want to revive the student's spirit to join the competition.
The selection was started from proposal selection. Then, the chosen proposal would be funded to make it real. The committee also controlled this process. Robet and his team made a product called Kinect Quadrotor or Quadnect. This product was a communication system with novel technology to control Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). "If it was used to controlling by using of smartphones, we made something different by controlling it with Microsoft Kinect," Robet said.
"It's really an honour to be there and made ITB proud," Kinan said. Surely, there were much lesson and experience that can be drawn from this event. One of them was a chance to meet other students from various regions in Indonesia. This annual event is a gold opportunity for students to show their competence. "By participating in this event, it is expected that ITB students awareness to people's demand will improve," Robet finished the interview.