ITB’s Board of Trustees 2019-2024 Held Initial Plenary Assembly in Jakarta

Oleh Adi Permana

Editor Adi Permana

JAKARTA, – Board of Trustees (MWA) of Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) held Plenary Assembly of MWA-ITB 2019-2024 at Building D, Kemenristekdikti, Jakarta, on Monday (20/5/2019). The session was led by Minister of Research, Technology, and Higher Education (Menristekdikti), Prof. Moh. Nasir.

The session discussed three points, the formulation of MWA-ITB’s work plan in 2019, establishment of members of MWA 2019-2024, and specification of MWA-ITB’s schedule and assembly agenda.

The plenary assembly was attended by 15 members of MWA, consisting 4 ex-officio namely the Menristekdikti, the representative of Governor of West Java Ir. Eddy Iskandar Muda Nasution, Dipl.SE.,MT., Chair of ITB’s Academic Senate, and Rector of ITB.

From the community, there were four representatives, namely Prof. Dr. KH. Muhammad Sirajuddin Syamsuddin, Dr. (HC)  Dra Nurhayati Subakat, Apt., Ir. Yani Panigoro, and Achmad Zaky, ST.

From Academic Senate, there were four representatives, namely Prof. Dr. Dr(HC) Ir. Djoko Santoso, M.Sc., IPU., AER., Prof. Dr(HC) Akhmaloka, Ph.d., Prof. Dr. Ing. Ir. Benhard Sitohang, and Dr. Agus Dana Permana. From MWA-Alumni Representative there was Ir. Irfan Setiaputra, from MWA-Education Personnel Representatives Nana Heryana, ST., IPM., AER., and member of MWA-Student Representative Faisal Alfiansyah Mahardhika.

On the plenary assembly, Ir. Yani Panigoro was elected as the Chair of MWA-ITB 2019-2024 with Prof. Dr. Dr(HC) Ir. Djoko Santoso, M.Sc., as the Vice Chair. After the assembly, Yani Panigoro said that the important step that MWA-ITB has to take is building good collaboration with senates, executive officers, professors, and students of ITB.

“Hence, strategic decisions taken by MWA will depart from all accommodated interests,” she said.

Meanwhile, Menristekdikti Prof. Moh. Nasir said that MWA has important roles in Higher Education. It is to determine the direction of policy. “I hope success for ITB in building a better higher education. Congratulation to Mrs. Yani as the Chair and Prof. Djoko as the Vice Chair,” said Menristekdikti.

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