ITB’s Effective Technology Based Community Service with the Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration 2023 in East Indonesia
By Anggun Nindita
Editor Anggun Nindita

BANDUNG, — Community service is a form of activity aimed on helping communities in various sectors of activity. The program generally fulfills the higher education’s three principles (education, research, and service to the community).
Community service programs certainly provide real contribution for the nation, especially in wide-spreading prosperity and advancing the nation.
Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) is one of the pioneer universities in Indonesia, including in the matter of community service through creating innovative technology to push equality, development, and social economy.
A memoir of Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) scientists’ devotional works throughout the ages was aggregated into the digital platform Desanesha, combined with the contribution of the Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration, accelerate villages to achieve developmental index, especially for the disadvantaged and very disadvantaged categories.
This community service program was held in the East Nusa Tenggara Province and North Maluku Province. This time, the community service’s theme was ‘Achieving SDGs of villages in 30 Locations of East Indonesia’s DAO (Disadvantaged, Advanced, and Outermost) Regions with Efficient Technology”
The community service team, consisted of professors and students of ITB, encompassed 1 developed village, 21 disadvantaged villages, and 8 very disadvantaged villages. Those regions have their own difficult challenges and geographical field issues, limited accessibility, as well as lack of infrastructure and public facilities.
Thus, there is a need of adequate resources in the field of technology, especially in the sector of agricultural technology, clean water, ocean and floods, infrastructure, as well as human resources.
The amount of DAO community service activities this year is 74 in total, where the number significantly increased over last year’s 28 activity.
Community service program is divided into various grouped categories. There aer clean water management, exploration and clean water drilling, and technology for oceans and flooding through building innovations such as automatic rainfall recorder.
Furthermore, in the infrastructure field, another innovation emerged in the form of mini wind turbine. Meanwhile, a community service in the agricultural technology and human resources field introduced e-nelayan application.
Hopefully, through this activity ITB could actualize knowledge, technology, and fine arts directly towards the community. This includes the righteous responsibility in contributing for the people and the nation.
Translator: Firzana Aisya
Editor: Ayesha Lativa Mafaza