ITB’s Odading Team Marvelously Won InaRISK Hackathon Fest 2021
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, - Three students from Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering won first place in the InaRISK Hackathon Fest 2021 on Monday (5/7/2021). They named the team Odading.
The Odading team received an award in the digital solution category for Augmented Reality (AR) creation. Consisting of Lukman Fadlansyah R, Teresa Amalia Purba, and Zola Saputra, the team participated in the InaRISK Hackathon Fest on June 25-28. They were students of Geodesy Engineering batch 2018.
The idea of joining the competition was from Zola, who heard the competition details from his lecturer. He got information that the competition topic was related to AR. Zola was very enthusiastic about joining the competition because they had some experience creating AR with Lukman during their internship.
At that time, they were working on AR in a simple form. They passed re-form Team Odading with Teresa. Previously, this team often participated in some competitions and was active in student activities.
In this event, the Odading Team offered the program the title 'Augmented Reality for Tsunami Mitigation' or AURIGA. Creating AR for tsunami mitigation came from the idea they had made when participating in the previous competition. Besides, Lukman and Zola had conducted preliminary research and analysis on this topic during the internship. They also obtained some data of the tsunami of Pangandaran from Dr. rer.nat. Wiwin Windupranata, S.T., M.Sc., their supervising lecturer.
The knowledge of hydrographic that they had obtained made them even more enthusiastic about raising this idea. They were also inspired by the final assignments of their seniors in Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering that discussed the same subject.
AURIGA could display evacuation routes, shelter points, as well as potential tsunami hazards when the application is operated. "The concept of AURIGA contains animations and real images," Zola explained during the interview on Saturday (10/07/2021). "It is similar to Pokemon Go Game. He continued that AURIGA is much simpler, like street lines, arrows on the route, and marking boxes building."
The Odading Team encountered many difficulties during the process of making AURIGA. Tere, Teresa's nickname, admitted that their programming knowledge was not adequate when working on prototypes. Thus, they somewhat faced some difficulties in compiling flow charts and the AURIGA algorithm.
Therefore, they learned from some friends who have capabilities in the IT field. There were a lot of errors in the program during the process.
These three outstanding students were pessimistic when working on prototypes. Moreover, the competitors in this competition were postgraduate students. So, they were maximizing their efforts to create infographics to keep bringing the title, just in case they lose the competition.
For them, it was such a big surprise when they won the competition. All the team members were so excited because they did not imagine that they would win. They were also worried that their lecturers would escalate their project expectations, particularly when the program should be integrated into the web InaRISK application. Yet, they were ready to implement it.
Meanwhile, Lukman asked all Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering students to explore things beyond their related subjects during this pandemic. He also suggested they add more friends from various departments. Tere also stated, "If we never try, we will never know."
Reporter: Kevin Agriva Ginting (Teknik Geodesi dan Geomatika 2020)
Translator: Zahra Annisa Fitri (Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota, 2019)