Karangsambung Field Study: A Miniature of Geophysics Engineering's Profession

Oleh Hafshah Najma Ashrawi

Editor Hafshah Najma Ashrawi

KARANGSAMBUNG, itb.ac.id - Geophysics Engineering ITB recently had another field lecture, which was held on Karangsambung, Kebumen, Middle Java, on Friday until Tuesday (01-12/05/15). This event was exclusively attended by Bachelor Program (batch 2012) students and Magister Program students (who are neither Bachelor in Geophysics Engineering nor Geology Engineering). This field study is a transformation process of Geophysics Engineering students into junior geophysicists, that is the people who have sufficient geophysics knowledge and have applied the knowledge in real by working in the field circumstances.

Karangsambung is a rocky area which came from rocks forming ocean plates and continental plates. This group of rocks had been mixed and accumulated for millions of years, so that it has such complex geological elements."Karangsambung is a natural geological laboratory which has complete geological elements and rocks, therefore it is appropriate to learn in this site," Annisa Mahdiya (Geophysics Engineering 2012) explained, as one of the participants.

This series of study includes six days of geology field study, then followed by six days of geophysics field lectures. The background of the field study is to increase the students' understanding regarding geological theories of minerals and rocks which have been delivered in class lectures. Hence, they are expected to fathom the physical morph of outcrops, rock characteristics and how it was formed in the vast nature.  Also, the same with geophysics field study. Students will be able to implement their knowledge more freely."The students will work on a simple geological mapping and face the real world's obstacles, including nature elements, such as weather," Satria Bijaksana (lecturer of Geophysics Engineering ITB) as the Coordinator and Lead Lecturer of that field study mentioned,.

Interestingly, this year, the students were facilitiated to utilize their experience in Karangsambung to conduct a research that is feasible to be developed. The research aims to crave the students' understanding on geophysical science itself. They were also permitted to collect some rock samples and bring it to the campus for further research. "The Department will surely support the research activity of the students," Satria asserted.

translated by :

Abdiel Jeremi (ITB Journalist Apprentice 2015)

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