ITB Established Shelters and Trauma Healing Assistance for West Sulawesi Earthquake
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

As part of the implementation of the humanitarian activities program from Merdeka Belajar Policy, ITB also dispatched one ITB FSRD Master's student, Eljihadi Alifin, and four Architecture students; Farhan Darsa, M. Isa Tsaqif, M. Arya Wicaksono, and Abdul Azis. They will help build a Tunnel Shelter and Water Purification Installation. The facility will be made at various evacuation points such as Manakarra Mamuju Stadium, Limbeng refugee post, Takandeang Village, Kec. Tappalang, Petakeang refugee post, Kel. Galung, Kec. Tappalang, to Majene.
The LPPM ITB disaster response team collaborates with various parties such as the Ksatria Airlangga Floating Hospital (RSTKA) Unair, Unhas, Unesa, ICCN, BSMI, Wanadri, Salman Charity House, DT Peduli, I-roar, and other volunteers, to provide excellent services, scattered throughout the district.
Deny Willy, the Secretary of Community Service of LPPM ITB, stated that This activity fills the government's disaster response period and accompanies the affected communities for the recovery period.
"The LPPM ITB disaster response team and volunteer partners from Palu have been involved in activities in the field from January 21, 2021 and will continue activities until February 6, 2021," he added.
Reporter : Adi Permana
Translator : Billy Akbar Prabowo (Metallurgical Engineering 2020)