LSS ITB: Combine Devotion and Arts on Sundaland 2014

Oleh Teguh Yassi Akasyah

Editor Teguh Yassi Akasyah

BANDUNG, - Devotion for the people is not always donating the community with money. That's what underlies Lingkar Seni Sunda (LSS) ITB to hold one form of devotion to charity the orphanage. This social event held on (1,3,17 /05/14), the event is a series of LSS ITB's Badag Agenda,  titled "Pasang Bakti Ku Pangarti Dina Budaya Sunda". Social events held in orphanages, name Baabussalam, East Bandung, as a manifestation of harmonization students to the community.

Different from those types of activities social service in general, social service that was held by LSS ITB combine basic skills with Sundanesse culture. Basic skills form basic science given so that the children of that orphanages have the knowledge that can be applied. The application of basic science can be divided into three areas, namely the waves, use of fungi, and  angular momentum. Knowledge about the waves is applied in making flutes, use fungus is applied in the making tape, while angular momentum is applied in making derivations.

In addition teaching on basic science, the children of the orphanage are also taught one of the sundanese arts, named Gondang. Gondang is a typical art  of sundanese that provide to the Almighty as a gratitude for the food that had been given to us. "We want to entertain the children of orphanage with the Sundanese arts," said Mochammad Raffi Ramadhan (Civil Engineering 2012) as the Chief Executive for this event. Gondang will be displayed in the peak of event, named Sundaland.

A glance of Sundaland

Sundaland is an event that consists of a vehicle with a theme science and sundanesse culture, stand culinary, and cultural performance that will display Sundanese arts, perform by  LSS ITB members. LSS ITB will perform their creativity that include bubuka ceremony, kacapi suling kawih, rampak kendang,  Merak dance, Jaipong dance, and also a drama with title  "Kaselek Caleg". This event is free of charge and will be held on Saturday (06/14/2014) in the Basketball Field, ITB.
The Sundaland constituted as with many people in Indonesia that begin to forget the cultural of their country, and there are so many Indonesian culture that has been claimed by foreign countries. Therefore, it is time for the younger generation, especially students to maintain and preserve the culture of Indonesia. "Students should keep pace with the times but remember where are we live and what is our culture and we must preserve that," said Raffi.   



More information : @sundaland2014

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