Global Youth Festival 2014: ITB Students Spread Inspiration for Work and Change the World
By Luh Komang Wijayanti Kusumastuti
Editor Luh Komang Wijayanti Kusumastuti

Through the 2014 GYF, expected young people to be aware of their role as the nation's next and age is not an excuse to not make a change. The Indonesian youth who have succeeded in changing the world as a speaker in Youth Talk those time, Andhyta Furselly, IFL Co -founder & project officer Youth Parliament Youth Educators, Yosea Kurnianto, Sharing Network founder and chairman Cabinet KM - ITB 13/14, Nyoman Anjani was already doing a youth movement, became a speaker on GYF 2014 . The target participants of this event in 2014 GYF are young people, students and also people who are interested to make changes . " Go out from your comfort zone , do something useful , and start to change the world . Why not ? " said Nadhya Bela Sophia (Vice Director of Marketing Communications AIESEC in ITB) ending the interview .