Muhammad Ibnu Fadlin Syah as an Outstanding ITB Student: Failure Is Not the End of Everything

Oleh Adi Permana

Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, – Failure is not an option to give up- that is what the second runner-up of the 2022 ITB Pilmapres (Outstanding Students Selection Awards), Muhammad Ibnu Fadlin Syah, always believed in. Representing ITB SAPPD (School of Architecture, Planning, and Policy Development), Ibnu admitted to almost resigning from multiple losses.

“I was just like any other first-year student back then. I did cry because of laboratory work, felt pessimistic during calculus, physics, and chemistry tests, failed in most contests, and gave up finishing all the grueling assignments. Even in my third semester, I got caught up in a bad academic situation that left me no choice except to repeat a class and fail a dozen more competitions,” Ibnu recounted.

Despite these defeats, Ibnu did not falter. He kept on trying and convinced himself not to simply quit. With continuous improvements and changes, he finally earned several triumphs in his fifth semester, starting from winning the national English debate competition, being part of the top 30 at the APBN Debate, participating at a model United Nation, nominated as Favorite Banner at the UNESCO Water Resilience Challenge, to emerging as the EFL Champion at the international-scaled World Doxbridge Debating.

“In my opinion, the awards I have achieved are just bonuses and appreciation for not forsaking myself in the face of adversities. Ultimately, the real lesson does not only lie in the victory but also within its process. I believe that failures are blessings, granting opportunities for more evaluation and introspection to become a better version of us,” Ibnu reflected.

Ibnu considers winning as a journey to find one’s goals, strengths, and weaknesses. Achieving something is also seen as a means of attaining one’s dream. Success is not supposed to be viewed partially through the lenses of either academic or non-academic aspects. Like how someone would assess a fish in its ability to climb a tree, it will live through its life thinking as a foolish animal due to its inability to climb. Thus, each person’s skills are unique, and their deeds are equally remarkable. Every feat they accomplished is the fruit of their labor, in which they have their individuality and preference regarding their endeavors.

“Being able to achieve something is the process of recognizing our purposes, potentials, and aspirations," Ibnu stated. "Personally, I wish to create sustainable, inclusive urban and rural environments that are welcoming to marginalized groups, especially to those with disabilities. This is because polemics these days run rampant at social services, infrastructures, and accessibility for the handicapped.”

In his 2022 ITB Pilmapres presentation, Ibnu talked about his Padek (Pemulihan Aktivitas Destinasi dan Ekonomi Kampung Warna Warni) program that aims to build local competencies via community-based organizations. This program will carry out local schooling and training at Warna-Warni Village, a tourist destination in Lubuklinggau City. Using community asset mapping to identify the existing prospects, the approach can maximize the available resources to solve various issues by utilizing the capacity and participation of the community. The word “Padek” itself is part of the Lubuklinggau language that means “extraordinary”; hence, this Padek program is hoped to create an extraordinary impact on restoring local tourism and economy.

Reporter: Adi Permana
Translator: Ruth Nathania (Environmental Engineering, 2019)

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