Ngobras HCM Discussed Four Main Programs of ITB's Human Capital Management Breakthrough

Oleh Adi Permana

Editor Vera Citra Utami

BANDUNG,— Everything can evolve with the passage of time, depending on external factors. Similarly, in the workplace, where the demand for employee skills is expanding year after year. When utilized in modern times, traditional approaches may no longer be appropriate. This is the situation with ITB, which is currently having a revolution in all sectors, including human resources, in order to adapt to the challenges of the modern workplace. This was discussed on Friday (3/12/2021) at the talk show Ngobras HCM (Chat with Serial Human Capital Management).

The talk show, titled "Me, You, and ITB: Where Do You Want to Be Taken?" was hosted online via the Zoom platform and YouTube. Hendhy Nansha, M.Sn., M.H., FSRD ITB Lecturer, moderated the event. The talkshow series featured three speakers, including MTI HR Consulting Managing Director Irwan Rei, FTSL ITB Lecturer Prasanti W. Sarli, Ph.D., and ITB Human Resource Development Unit Officer Andhy Widodo, S.T. During this session, they talked about the transformation that ITB will go through.

The Office of the Vice Rector for University Resources (WRSD) is currently creating four programs relating to Human Capital Management (HCM). These four initiatives, which include performance management, competency profiles, remuneration, and the Human Resources Information System (HRIS), were also discussed on the talk show.

Workplace Management

Changes in performance management can benefit employees without them realizing it. We will have a clear operating compass or focus on our work as the performance management system develops, according to Irwan. This cannot be accomplished by including only one person, but rather requires a thorough collaboration process between the two parties, namely the individual and the leader. It will create an impact on a clear division of labor and is later reported in the appropriate scorecard between them.

Prasanti W. Sarli, also known as Asih, a young ITB lecturer, stated that this was crucial in addressing the concern that ITB lecturers were experiencing. They are expected to be able to do everything in order to stay relevant. However, with this shift, lecturers' performance will be held to a higher standard, making it easier for them to fulfill their responsibilities.

Profile of Competencies

The organization's competency profile is quite essential. According to Andhy, each ITB institution has its own criteria with a broad competency profile, but many have specific/contextual competency profiles that must be assessed.

"What needs to be strengthened from the existing system is the definition and competencies for occupying each position. This, however, must be complemented by effective communication," Irwan added.

This communication refers to how to convey all of the organization's policies to the workforce while remaining open to all changes. Just like with the occurrence of job rotation, which comes unexpectedly. Andhy clarified that the functional positions were really recommended for transfer. Things like these, however, will become much more transparent in the future as a result of the shift.


Employees or corporate executives receive remuneration in the form of cash or non-monetary reward for their job. Irwan said that in order to deal with this objectively, it is vital to consider giving limitations. "Of course, people with different levels of performance receive varying levels of praise," he remarked. In terms of compensation, ITB is benchmarking itself to other institutions. However, Irwan was unable to respond to the question of remuneration increases because the payroll procedure is still being investigated till the end of December.

Human Resource Information System (HRIS)

According to Andhy, HR management has typically been a lengthy process, so he is working to address this by utilizing technology. Many things must be done by academics across numerous linkages in order to solve the problem; now, there is a team that handles this to make all HR management operations simpler. The automation, which is still in the process of adjusting, also considers the ease of access.

Transformation can bring us unexpected benefits, but it can also have long-term consequences. Changing the workplace system, according to Irwan, does not mean ignoring what has already been performed, but rather enhancing them.

"We can have a wonderful plan, but if we don't put it into action, it will remain just that. So, in order to attain ITB's goal and objective, a great strategy that is expected to be more efficient and effective is required," Irwan stated.

Reporter: Pravito Septadenova Dwi Ananta (Geological Engineering, 2019)
Translator: Sekar Dianwidi Bisowarno (Bioengineering, 2019)

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