Oddisey Team ITB Won Risk Intelligence Challenge 2018

Oleh Ahmad Fadil

Editor Ahmad Fadil

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id – Oddisey Team of Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) won the first prize in Risk Intelligence Challenge (RIC) Indonesia 2018. On the preliminary phase, more than 80 teams from various universities in Indonesia competed on 26th April 2018 in Jakarta.

Indonesian Universities that advanced to the final were ITB, Universitas Indonesia (UI), and Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM). Each team had to give presentation before professional jury such as Deloitte Indonesia Risk Advisory Leader, Risk Advisory Director, and Risk Advisory Manager.

The team was consisting of 4 students from School of Business and Management (SBM) of ITB class of 2018, they are Fajar Sagita Oendiarto, Yosefa Laura, Syafita Nur Hanifah, and Hanna Anggiana. They successfully beat their opponent and will represent Indonesia in RIC ASEAN 2018.

Fajar, one of Oddisey team members, also won the Best Speaker. He won because of his calmness and his ability to clearly answer all questions asked by the jury.

Using Matahari Store as case study, Oddisey team analyzed the risks and found the solution to the issue that comes from shifting concept of Matahari Store, from conventional store to online. Despite some difficulties on data survey, Oddisey team displayed their capability by beating the best teams in Indonesia and proceed to ASEAN level.

RIC ASEAN 2018 is an annual international competition held by Deloitte Risk Advisory. The competition aims to encompass students that have fresh business and creative ideas in innovation and risk management.

The line-up for Oddisey Team ITB in RIC ASEAN 2018 will be different from the line-up on the final. Fachri Dwiansyah will replace Hanna on RIC ASEAN on the next July in Indonesia. “Fachri Dwiansyah is the initial line-up member of Oddisey Team but unable to participate on the final due to student exchange in Vietnam,” said Fivien Nur Savitri, Head of Public Relation and Publication Sub-directorate of ITB. This will be the first time for Oddisey Team ITB to represent Indonesia in RIC ASEAN 2018.

Reporter: Diah Rachmawati (Industrial Engineering 2016)

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