Pramuka ITB held Siaga Party and Penggalang Competition
By Muhammad Hanif
Editor Muhammad Hanif
Beside to commemorating the anniversary, this event also has a goal to rebuild the coaching front groups (Gugus Depan) in ITB Scout. "Actually, there had been a couching in the Boy Scout group ITB, but it has long been a vacuum," said Ismail Mahsun (Environmental Engineering 2010) who is the chairman of this event.
With the theme "Scout, a figure with full of technology innovation for the country", this activity attracts enthusiasm from the participants. It can be seen from the team that signed up on this race. There are 25 barung (Siaga group-ed teams) and 16 Penggalang group from various teams raising elementary and junior high schools in Bandung.
This competition material designed with the aim to improve sense of love for the environment, innovation, and nationalism for its participants. "But because the participants were children, then the material is presented in a fun way," said Mahsun.For Siaga, they must perform amazing race at ITB. There are some interesting games in this amazing race, the folk songs, traditions and culture of Indonesia, the introduction of medicinal plants and plant spinach. According Mahsun, music and culture of the region aims to increase the sense of nationalism for the alert. While the introduction of medicinal plants and plant spinach aims to train them to innovate.
Activity for the Penggalang competition are still arranged in the form of amazing race. Nevertheless, the material for Penggalang competition is more challenging than for Siaga. In that amazing race, they will find the hurdles base, compass and appropriate technology. Here Penggalang will also gain additional insights through the knowledge base.
The results of this race is the team Darul Hikam won the overall championship for Siaga. For Penggalang, the winner is SD Moestopo and SMP 16 Bandung.
"I hope this event can increase the children interest to join Pramuka," said Mahsun. "Scouting is a good place to form the character for the kids," he said later.