Prof. Khairurrijal, Developing Innovations on Nanomaterial Synthesis in Indonesia

Oleh Adi Permana

Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, – Improvement to creativity and innovation in research and development of technology are important points to enhance national competitiveness. This issue was addressed by Prof. Khairurrijal in a public lecture at Aula Barat of ITB on Wednesday (23/10/2019).

The lecture’s topic is “Electrospinning-based Nanomaterial Synthesis System and Nanomaterial and Nanomaterial-based Products for Improvement of National Competitiveness”. Khairurrijal told about the birth of his innovations, what innovation he has made, and the ups and downs he aced when innovate.

"Economic condition, capabilities and skills of human resources should not be an obstacle for us in innovating," explained Prof. Khairurrujal.

He also asserted the importance of building motivation and maintaining commitments to oneself. He believed that building motivation is the main foundation in making works and developing innovation. We should maintain the commitment, because sometimes the process is not as smooth as it was planned. Commitment will motivate to get up back and never give up regardless of the situation.

“On the first try, I failed 14 times. But, if I decided to give up and stop trying, I would never know the 15th time was a success,” he said to hundreds of ITB students.

By combining his interest, material and instrumentation, Prof. Khairurrijal has invented several phenomenal works, including I-V meter Elkahfi 100 and I-V meter Nachriebe 101 for characterizing the electrical properties of materials and devices, equipment for Nanofiber production, polymer Nanoparticles and composites—such as electrospinning with nozzle, nozzleless electrospinning, and rotary forcespinning. These equipment are used for water and juice filters, wind filter, soilless growing medium, wound dressing, and drug delivery system.

Being in researches since 2001, Khairurrijal and his team decided to build Nachriebe, a start up company that engages in instrumentation of material physics. He for his works and publication, he received various awards, the most recent ones were Habibie Award in the Field of Basic Sciences from Yayasan SDM IPTEK (2017), and Academic Leader Award in the Field of Science from Kemenristekdikti (2019).

Prof. Khairurrijal now serves as Chief of Institute of Research and Community Service of ITB (LPPM ITB). A lecturer in Physics study program and a member of Physics of Electronic Materials Research Groups. He concluded the public lecture with a message, “It is important to believe in yourself. If we are confident and do not give a room for inferiority and pessimism, there will be a way to tackle the problem,” he concluded.

Reporter: Annisa Nur Diana (Environmental Engineering 2015)

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