Japan Educational Seminar: Invite Indonesian Students to Study in Japan
By Muhammad Hanif
Editor Muhammad Hanif

The seminar was opened by Kuniaki Sato from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan. Sato introduces the "Global 30" as the program of the Japanese government to invite 300.000 international students, including Indonesia, to study at the best universities in Japan.
In addition, this seminar brought directly the speakers from universities in Japan. Nagoya University, Tohoku University, Osaka University, Meiji University, Keio University, Doshisha University, University of Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, Chiba University, Waseda University, Tsukuba University, Ritsumeikan University, University of Tokyo, Kyoto University, Kyushu University, Toyohashi University of Technology, and Hiroshima University are universities that bring speakers to introduce faculty and concentration offered.
The event attracted over 3.500 visitors also provides information from the university that interested by visitor in the exhibition of the event. There are 18 booths consists of universities in Japan, Embassy of Japan in Indonesia, and Japan Sudent Services Organization (JASSO).
"Global 30" offers a course of study in English. "Often the language discourage international students to study in Japan," said Acep Furqon, M.Si as chairman of the committee. According to him Indonesian students do not have to worry about the language problem.
Until May 2011, international students studying in Japan is only 2.162, far from the Japanese government target in 2020, 300 000 students. "Global 30" provide the widest opportunity for international students include Indonesia to study in Japan. "It is an honor and a great opportunity for the ITB to host this event. Hopefully there will be more students in Indonesia, especially the ITB students continuing his studies in Japan, as almost a quarter of ITB lecturers are graduates of Japan," please Acep.