PSM ITB will Hold ITB Choir Festival and ITB International Choir Competition 2015

Oleh Annisa Mienda

Editor Annisa Mienda

BANDUNG, Paduan Suara Mahasiswa (PSM) or Students Choir Group ITB will hold ITB Choir Festival (ICF) and 2nd ITB International Choir Competition (IICC) on 27/01-01/02/15. This year's ICF is the 24th choir festival and will be held altogether with an international student choir competition, IICC. The events that will be held in ITB campus are participated by participants from almost all provinces in Indonesia. A guest star is also invited to the event, which is an acapella group coming from Netherlands. the guest star will be performing their musical performance in an agenda called The Junction Concert. Beside choir competition and The Junction Concert, there will be cultural shows from ITB units as well as workshop which is held to widen the participants' knowledge regarding music.
This year's ICF ITB and IICC's theme is Harmony in Diversity. The theme was purposely chosen because the participants come from various places, nations, and races, yet they all use musical performance as a universal language as well as a unifying means. There are five categories in FPS ITB which will be held on 27/01-03/02/15, which are Primary School Choirs, Junior High School Choirs, High School Choirs, Mixed Choirs, and Indonesia's Traditional Song Choirs. On the other hand, there are four categories in IICC which will be held on 03-07/02/15, which are Mixed Youth Choirs, Adult Choirs-Historical, Adult Choirs-Free, and Folksong Choirs. There are 65 teams that participate in FPS ITB while IICC is participated by 28 teams.

ICF ITB and IICC consist of various interesting agendas, such as opening and closing ceremony, cultural night, bazaar, judges meeting, and workshop. There will also be a Friendship Concert which can be attended by the public for free. The Friendship concert will be held on 07/02/15 in many public places in Bandung, one of them is Bandung Indah Plaza. To enjoy other agendas such as the competition and guest concert, the public may access to get the invitation.

A Brief about ICF and IICC

ITB Choir Festival is firstly held by PSM ITB in 1968 and was participated by choir teams from all around Indonesia. ICF ITB has produced choir teams that are able to compete in international scale. In 2010, PSM ITB enhanced the level of the competition and thus, 1st ITB International Choir Competition was born.

As the oldest choir festival in Indonesia, ICF has became one of the most challenging choir competition in the country. There is no doubt that the competition is always tight. Even so, the ICF and IICC committee wants the participants not only to compete, but also gain something from the competition. "Therefore, we conduct the workshop so that the participants can get their musical knowledge widen," stated Angelia, Chief of Materials Division of ICF XXIV ITB and 2nd IICC. "Moreover, this year's ICF will be held altogether with IICC, so the workshop will also be attended by music expertises from around the world," she added.

IFC ITB and IICC is admittedly held in order to support the national as well as international choir. Therefore, Indonesian citizens and music expertises are expected to keep supporting the event so that music, especially Indonesian music can keep echoing all over the world.

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