ITB Helps Optimize Potential of Villages in Magetan
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, – Parang District (Magetan Regency, East Java) will host the ASEAN paragliding championship in August 2023. Mount Blego has been chosen as the take-off area, with Ngunut, Trosono, Bungkuk, and Sayutan Village under it.
Not missing any opportunities, the chiefs of the villages requested ITB to explore their villages’ potential to improve their economy. Their submission was accepted by ITB LPPM (Institute for Research and Community Service) via P-P2Par) Center for Tourism Planning and Development). With their help, research regarding the four villages’ potential has been done since 2022 in anticipation of the national paragliding championship.
P-P2Par returned to Magetan this year to continue their research and community service. The visit was carried out on 14-16 May 2023 by the ITB SAPPD (School of Architecture, Planning and Policy Development) professor Dr. Ir. Heru Purboyo Hidayat Putro, D.E.A., the Head of P-P2Par Abadi Raksapati, S.S., M.Sc, Rikeu Rugarmika, S.T., the P-P2Par researcher Syafira Ayudarechta Tara W, S.Ant. and a student of class 2019 majoring in urban and regional planning Hafsah Restu Nurul Annafi, who enrolls in the accelerated study program of the Master of Tourism Planning.
During the visit, the P-P2Par team surveyed the four villages as well as the locations that will be the take-off bases and landing points of the competition. In addition, FGD sessions were conducted with village officials and Pokdarwis (Tourism Awareness Groups) to evaluate last year's paragliding event and plan the framework for this year's event.
Based on the observations and discussions from the FGDs, the P-P2Par team found that the nature aspect of the villages has the potential to serve as a tourist attraction. However, the communities need more confidence in welcoming tourists and paragliding athletes in their villages. Furthermore, several tourism facilities still need to be improved.
"We should start from what we have, not from what we do not have,” Abadi said. “We should not focus on the shortcomings of the villages. Instead, we must try to optimize their potential.”
As the solution, the P-2Par team proposed the addition of homestay training, multilanguage signage at homestays and tourist spots, souvenirs, food, beverages, and tour packages for visitors in preparation for this year’s paragliding championship.
A second visit will be held in July 2023. The Chief of Ngunut Village as well as the homestay provider for the P-2Par team, Sauji, looks forward to the next visit.
"I hope that ITB can help us to prepare better so that our communities can receive many benefits," Sauji said.
Reporter: Hafsah Restu Nurul Annafi (Urban and Regional Planning, 2019)
Translator: Ruth Nathania (Environmental Engineering, 2019)