RIM and ITB Sign Formal Collaborative Agreement in Application Development Research

Oleh Diviezetha Astrella Thamrin

Editor Diviezetha Astrella Thamrin

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id - Research in Motion (RIM) has made a formal collaborative agreement with Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) in Blackberry Academic Program. The formal agreement was signed by ITB Vice Rector of Research and Communication Wawan Gunawan and President Director of RIM Indonesia, Andy Cobham in the form of five-year investment. The signing was done on Saturday (03/03/12) at ITB East Hall, and was attended by Indonesian Ministry of Economic Hatta Rajasa, West Java Regional Secretary, and Canadian Ambassador for Indonesia.

"This investment will be used for application development research fund, an area in which ITB has promising potentials. The fund will also be used for developing the first RIM Innovation Centre in Indonesia," said Andy Cobham.

ITB is the first university in Indonesia that cooperates with RIM. ITB Rector, Akhmaloka, said that ITB is honored to participate in the cooperation. This is an avenue for ITB to develop its human resources. This also demonstrates good relation between academicians, government, and industry.

The granted fund is estimated to be around USD 5 million, or around IDR 45.5 billion. This investment is very beneficial to fund the researches done by ITB in application development.

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