SBM Final Assignments Show: Introducing the Local Products

Oleh Mega Liani Putri

Editor Mega Liani Putri

BANDUNG, - On Monday-Wednesday (05-01/05/14), located in Central Library ITB, SBM Final Assignments Show was held. The products show was related to one of the classes which were emotional branding and service scape environment. The opening of the show was done by Drs. Herry Hudrasyah, M.A. as the lecturer of the class along with the other lecturers as the judges of the show.

Emotional branding and service scape management class is one of the minor classes in SBM ITB which is about how to give emotional effects on some brands. The purpose of the class is to do rebranding on some products that are not well-known anymore in the market. This is just a challenge for the students to reborn the brand to regain people's interest. "There are many ways to attract people's attention on the products, such as remake the packaging, changing the target of marketing, marketing communication, and the product campaign," Indira Adzhani (Management 2011) explained as one of the participants in the show.

In the show, there were six groups of students; each of them shows its final assignment. The products were local's and they used to be easily found in the market. But as the globalization is happening, the local products were beaten by the imports which had done a massive way of branding to attract consumers. Since then, the local products got to do rebranding to get their consumers back.

In order to do rebranding on a product, the first things to do are to introduce the product and the potential of it, to know the competitor and the situation of the market nowadays. "Since we handled cosmetic products, we emphasized that the products are really suitable to use for tropical skins for emotional purpose," Indira said. Rebranding of the product is to remind the youth that they have to use appropriate cosmetics special for tropical countries. "To rebrand the product, the emotional aspect we say is that do not be ashamed to show your beauty by using the right cosmetics," Indira explained.

No matter how strong the globalization's impact is, we have to love the local products as one way to love our country, Indonesia. If the local products are beaten by the imports, the rebranding is needed so that the local products can rule the market once more. "Through this class, we not only can introduce local products to the people, but we also can develop our talents in marketing the products that are needed to be concerned by the companies' representatives," Indira lid.

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